The Cell Phone Wasn’t Stolen After All

Mike’s cell phone wasn’t stolen after all. It was literally taken for ‘safekeeping!’  As Mike retraced his steps and each of his movements yesterday, he knew that it all came down to being at the bank. The teller was having difficulty paying Mike’s tax. They said the number they had as a reference number was too short. This was the whole reason why Mike couldn’t do it online and was sitting in the bank in the first place.  Mike had seen SARS in the Mall, so he suggested to the teller that he go out and quickly ask them. This he did (inadvertently leaving his cell phone on the shelf by the teller window). When he got back, there was an elderly lady at the teller. He waited for his turn again and got the issue resolved. It was only when he got home that he realised his phone was gone. He immediately called it from our landline and then returned to the Mall to look for it.

Disappointed, he returned. No success. He was miff the whole afternoon. I tried to call the phone multiple times. It rang but no one answered. Mike stopped the sim and got a new one.

Last night Julian arrived. We were about to leave for the airport when our landline rang. I looked at the caller identity and saw it was a cell phone. I told Mike I wasn’t going to answer it. “Oh go on,” he said, “answer it,” so I did. A voice crackled through on what was a pretty bad line. Amid the interference I heard “phone at the bank?” WHAT?  Turns out the little old lady was this man’s Mom. She got to the teller, saw the phone and decided that it would be safest if she took and looked after it until the owner showed up.  She went home and kept it. Being slightly deaf she didn’t answer any of the calls or perhaps she didn’t know how to answer the phone. When her son got home, she gave it to him. I’m so glad she remembered to do that! Our landline number came up on the screen as one of a dozen or so missed calls, so he phoned us!

This morning at 7am, the son, Emlyn, kindly dropped the phone off on his way to work.

#772 of my 1000 thanks is Mike’s phone is home!

Good ending!

Today has been another busy, but good day. I worked, went to gym, met Leanne (plans lady), worked, had tea with Riana, worked, walked with Julian and had dinner at the Galley. There’s a navy vessel parked off Fish Hoek…

It was a beautiful evening.

Now I’m home and we are watching a bit of tennis.

Psalm 20:7

Some trust in chariots and some in horses , but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God.


These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • Spinning bike for 24 minutes (10km)
  • The Grid – 30 minutes
  • Cool down bike – 6 minutes
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