The Bizarre van Breda Murder Case

What is going on with the van Breda murder case is so strange and pretty much unprecedented in South Africa. The questions are piling up as no arrests are made, one survivor is named a key witness and has police protection, while the other survivor is not named as a key witness and is getting on with his life. It all seems very bizarre.

All I can imagine is that, as I’ve said before, there is a lot more to this than meets the eye.

One of the latest reports came from Marli herself. She posted on social media, photos of the family members who were murdered on the night of the 26th/27th January 2015.  The first one is Marli with her parents, out on a boat, relaxed and smiling.

van Breda instragram pic by MarliThe other is of her brother Rudi, also murdered in the attack, on the same excursion…

Rudi van Breda and his DadI took the photos off a Daily Mail report which gave a cohesive update on the current state of affairs. Marli’s caption for these photos is, “The people I love most.”

One thing that jumped out at me is that Marli selected photos that did not include the only other survivor of the brutal attack, that being her brother, Henri. The report also says Henri has not seen Marli since the attack. I always thought this highly suspicious and incriminatory. If a complete stranger had murdered the family, it usually would throw the siblings together in an even tighter bond than they may previously have had.  The Daily Mail report says medical staff did not want Henri to see Marli because it may traumatise her. That was a few months ago. Marli is now stronger and healing well. She is out of her rehabilitation centre and getting therapy at an undisclosed residential location. As part of her treatment, she has been visiting her school, with the intention of returning to complete her education. In the last couple of months, she also returned to her De Zalze Estate home where the attack took place, in order to collect her possessions.

People in the “know” about this case are keeping very hush. The police have said it is at a crucial stage. A lot of evidence has been collected and they are nearing the possibility of an arrest. A growing number of onlookers who have followed the case are getting more and more outspoken about the lack of progress and, as a result, are hurling derogatory comments towards the South African Police service.

I am not in the ‘know.’ I am one of those who have been digging and reading to try and uncover more information. Through this blog, people closer to the situation, have privately emailed me, shedding more light on the possibilities surrounding the case. As it is hear-say and some of it speculation, I really don’t want to divulge that information. But, I can say that some months ago, I was reading the comments that followed one article about the van Breda murders and found a startling statement which corroborated what the email said. And so I fall back on my statement that there is more to this than meets the eye.

It’s time that the criticism of the SA Police Service stops. Allow them to get on with their job. Things will come out and hopefully an arrest will be made.

The motive for the attack may never be known, but God already knows and one day, each of us, the perpetrator/s of this heinous crime as well as you and me, will have to give an account.

Romans 14:12

“So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.”

Meantime, the survivors have their own stories to write. For them, 105 days have passed since their closest family members died. The trauma of it will take time to heal. Life will never be the same again. They will have to create a ‘new normal.’

“This was not how it was supposed to be.” 

Many people speak those words after the death of a loved one. Tragedies happen and yet, the sun still rises and sets. The world keeps going. Unspeakable pain, yet life goes on.

We do the best that we can.

1 Samuel 12 vs 24

“Be sure to fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart..”

Ageless words that are as wise today as they were thousands of years ago.

Just keep on keeping on.

Do the next thing.

God bless you!

In His Grip,




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