Only mid-morning and my day has been structured and productive! After doing the Rise and Shine show, I came home and loaded the washing machine. Then I moved Granny’s mattress into the guest room, put her bed frame on its head and headed for the cottage. Move 10 boxes of books. That was my aim. The deal is that Stacey and Adrian are COMING HOME!!!! They will stay in the cottage for a few months. The cottage has two bedrooms, one nice and neat and clean and ready for them… the other filled with boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes of books. Mike wants them moved out of the cottage and into Granny’s old bedroom. So Thursday mornings, I get home from CCFm early and give my morning energy to sorting out our home. I set myself a goal of 10 boxes of books. As I started to load them onto the trolley, my mind went back to Builder’s Warehouse. There we stood, Mike & I debating buying this trolley thing, with the salesman in the middle, looking on amused. Mike said we needed it. I said we didn’t. He said we’d use it a lot…it’s so useful. I said we’d never use it and we don’t need to buy it. Thank you Mike for winning that debate!
Boxes loaded -bit by bit, bending my knees, not straining my back, tapping into all the amazing muscle strength I’ve got from Mel’s punishing workouts!…and soon my 10 boxes were done! In fact I moved 11. Two you can’t see!
And put the washing on the line – towels and jeans and jerseys and bath mats….probably dry already…
Now I’m sitting doing my blog drinking the coffee.
This morning in my quiet time as I read more from 2 Chronicles, it struck me how important it is to remain humble. There’s a poignant picture of humility and dependence on God in 2 Chronicles 20. I love it.
2 Chronicles 20: 12-13 “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” All the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones, stood there before the Lord.
You could imagine them looking something like this…
Sometimes we don’t know what to do, but we must keep our eyes on God. He will show us in time! Angie posted this on FB. It’s so true…
So whatever is going on in your life, stay positive, look at the bright side of life. Count your blessings. You’ll find there’s more going right than going wrong! 🙂
God bless you loads!
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂