Thank-you Lord, for the faith of Frank Retief…


It has been a great day! Right after the show, I went to Joyce Meyer ministries and picked up a packet of books to give away on Rise and Shine over the next 7 Wednesdays…

Bag of books

Then I went to the Blue Route to buy nuts and settled down at Tribakery to have a cappuccino and do show prep which I did on my cell phone! After that I beetled into town to see Granny. We had grapefruit in the garden. There were a few others sitting in the garden so I went and sat with them. I introduced myself by saying, ‘Hello, I’m Helga and this is my Mother-in-Law, Eve.” “Oh,” said the lady closest to me, “So you’re Helga.” I just smiled. After a minute or so, she added, “I listen to you every morning!” Her name is Shirley and she has been at the Ladies Christian Home for 9 years. She has had a varied life, with one of the highlights, 8 years in East London where she was the curator at Gateway House. She absolutely loved it. I am sure she is a bit of a historian. Here’s Shirley…

Shirley from Gateway House

I must remember to say good morning to her tomorrow morning! (Pat, if you get to read this, let Shirley know you saw it!)

After I said, ‘goodbye’ to Granny, I headed towards home, stopping for petrol in Bergvliet, where the attendant, Blessings, looked at my CCFm sticker and asked if I was a presenter there. “Yes,” I said. “Oh,” he replied, “I like this radio station!” 🙂 His name was plural…not one Blessing, but many!

After that came the highlight of my day. There are many men of God who have impacted South Africans across the decades, who have stood firm in the faith and remained true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bishop Frank Retief is such a man. Today, I was invited to have a bite to eat with the ‘Frank Retief Radio Ministry’ committee…The Gang

It was a great pleasure and privilege to meet Frank and Beulah and to be in their home with special people who have committed their time to getting, editing,  mastering and distributing Frank’s messages to radio stations across the country. When I first received the new 5 minute slots (which I play on Rise and Shine every Monday at 7-22am),  I listened to all 10 of them while driving in and out of town. What struck me was Frank’s humility. He is true to the Word of God; he speaks clearly and simply and he prays humbly. Today, over lunch, I saw the same characteristics. He is a humble man. As he closed our time in prayer, he drew our attention to the big-ness of God and how He uses us, despite our brokenness.

2 Corinthians 4:7 (New Living Translation)broken-pot-2: “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”

Any good that comes out of any work we do for Christ is not from ourselves – it is from God.

“Thank you Lord for the faith of Frank Retief and for the great example he has been to so many people. Please help me follow his example in continually seeking to glorify You in all I do.”

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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