Ten Years Off Air


Dear Elsie

Today marks 10 years since my last morning drive show. For 10 full years I did the Rise & Shine show and now I’ve been ten years off air.  I think I may have mentioned before that my life is very cleanly compartmentalised into decades of activities.

In my 20s, I got married, had 2 children and finished my degree, so that was one very productive decade.  My 30s I spent raising my family and I started working at CCFm, selling advertising and doing a smidgen of on-air work. My 40s were spent presenting the morning drive show – both our children finished their degrees and Stacey got married. That was a happy, memorable decade. My 50s have been a rich tapestry of other activities. Ten years ago when I resigned, I could never have predicted the changes that would come in the 120 months ahead.

The biggest blessing to come out of the last ten years has to be you, my darling Elsie!  My first grandbaby has to be the highlight. So very special.

Then there was the arrival of our Fish Hoek property which I never would have predicted.  But even less expected was  the building of our new home, 2 years worth of orthodontic treatment & Covid!   Here I am on the half built house.  This was May 2020.

And all the way along, from July 2014 to now, I have had the blessing of my online recruitment work. What started as a menial part time admin position has grown to a full time job of significance.

Ten years ago, I was about to turn 50 and so now I’m leaping enthusiastically towards my 60th birthday! Wow! It seems surreal.

I applaud Jonathan Haller who, tomorrow, will have presented the CCFm morning drive show for longer than I. It’s not easy getting up in the very early hours of the day and, come rain or shine, getting to the studio in time to do a well prepared show.  Would I do it again? Yes, I would. Tomorrow I’ll join Jonathan at 8am for half an hour of reminiscing.

I think I have grown over the last 10 years & I’m looking forward to the next decade.

John 18:37
“You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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