Tag Archives: My Dad

A Very Busy Monday for All

Monday Dear Elsie Today was a very busy Monday for everyone. While I got stuck into work, Mike had to go sort out some plumbing problems. The water bill at our previous house has doubled, so there was some underground … Continue reading

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A Varied Tuesday

Tuesday Dear Elsie Today I took Julian to the airport. It’s always nice to get out, have an eye break & drive across the city. There was an accident on the M3 coming back and as a result there was … Continue reading

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A Good Monday

Monday Today was the day… I woke early, did my Bible reading and by 9 minutes to 7 I was off walking. There is an eensie weensie bit of snow on the distant mountains, so the air was chilly. I … Continue reading

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My Dad Would Have Turned 90

Friday Today was the day… If my Dad had lived he would have turned 90. He was born on 22nd July 1932 and would have loved to live deep into old age. He passed away at aged 76, after having … Continue reading

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Strangely Moved

Sunday Today was the day…. Julian went to my Dad’s graveside in Harare. I was strangely moved when he sent me a photo. The last time I was there was after his death in 2008. The graveyard is a little … Continue reading

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Stormy Cape Town

Monday It’s been a cold, blustery winters day in Cape Town, where the famous north-westerly wind has been blowing in. Gone is the perfection of yesterday’s sunshine – the bright blue skies have given way to angry black clouds. Rain … Continue reading

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Our Concept Plans Have Been Sent

It’s already been a long journey. Mike designed a dream house, had it squashed down by red tape and council rules; he then designed another (smaller) dream house, changed it (several times), repositioned it at least once and tweaked it many … Continue reading

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“Don’t Make Life Difficult for Your Future Self”

I liked this quote very much. It was said by Stacey. We were chatting on the phone and talking mainly about money and saving and not having debt. If you get into debt early in your life, you are making … Continue reading

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