So you get asked to take snacks to an event and you want to do it the Banting way, so at least you have something to eat. Stuffed or devilled eggs are usually made with mayonnaise and the easiest way of buying mayo is to get the type made with all the wrong oils and loaded with sugar. I experimented with an alternative that made stuffed eggs 100% Banting. Here’s how….
Eggs, creme fraiche, cream, salt and pepper, garnish of your choice.
Hard boil a dozen eggs. (Make sure your eggs are at room temperature – put them in a pot of tap water and bring them to the boil. Once at a rolling boil, I left them in for a further 4 minutes). When cooked, pour out the hot water and replace it with cold which will assist with taking the shells off cleanly.
Look for the yolk…which you should be able to see under the white of the egg…
Using a sharp knife, cut vertically through the centre of the yolk…(in other words, cut the egg in half longways!!!)
Once you’ve halved all the eggs, holding it beneath the yolk, gently squeeze it out…
Plop! Out it falls…
Repeat until you have all the yolks in the bowl…
For the stuffing, first break up the egg yolks…
Then add about half a teaspoon of creme fraiche per egg used…so I put in about 5 heaped teaspoons…
Creme fraiche is quite stiff, so add a bit of cream (I put in about 2 tablespoons) to thin it out and mix well…
Add salt and pepper. If you want some variation, add some curry powder to half the mixture. Curried stuffed eggs! Yum! If you have a piping bag, you can fill it and pipe the egg mixture into the egg casing. Otherwise, just do what I did and scoop teaspoons into the shells…
Keep going until all the casings are filled….
I had mixture left which went down really well on seed crackers. I garnished with finely grated cheese and parsley and served with cherry tomatoes, sliced mushroom and cucumber sticks…
They tasted great!
There are several references to eggs in the Bible…
Luke 11:11-13 Jesus speaking…
“Now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish; he will not give him a snake instead of a fish, will he? “Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he? “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?”
Keep the smile going!
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂
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