Star Wars – The Force Awakens – My Take On It

I am neither a big screen avid movie goer, nor a Sci-fi fan, so to find myself on a sunny afternoon going with the family to see Star Wars was unexpected.  I did see the last one, again being persuaded to go with the family, but I could not remember much of it and again had no idea what to expect of this one. Star Wars

What did I think?

My response was a bit underwhelming! “I did stay awake!” It was okay – it held my attention.

During the movie I found my mind looking to see if there ever was a Biblical parallel running through the Star Wars series. After all, it is a story about good verses evil. And the phrase “may the force be with you” raises the question of a greater power  being behind the fight for good.

In this particular episode, there is a meeting between the wayward  son who’s on the dark side and his father who is on the good side.

It doesn’t end well.

Prodigal son gone bad, came to mind.

All in all, it is a bit of science fiction fantasy, definitely designed to take you into another realm of with the baddies giving the goodies a run for their money and generally the good guys winning in the end. After all, everyone wants a happy ending.

The story of the prodigal son in the Bible does end well. In fact, reading the parable, it’s the one time in the Bible you see God run. After the son came to his senses, he made a decision to go  home.

Luke 15:20

20 So he got up and went to his Father. ‘But while he was still a long way off, his Father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; He ran to His son, threw His arms round him and kissed him.

The parable is that each one of us is a prodigal. God is the father and when we return to Him, He is waiting, He runs towards us and welcomes us with open arms.

Nothing better than coming home and having someone give you a big, generous welcoming hug. That warm embrace, of love and acceptance leaves a warm fuzzy feeling that lasts forever. I’m on God’s side now. I want to follow Him.


Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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