Sleepless night…


We were grateful to get as much sleep as we did! By 9pm last night Mike & I  still were not able to get hold of David. His voice mail was on. He was somewhere along the R354 between Sutherland and Middelpos deep in the Karoo. His plan was to cycle overnight and when he got tired to stop and camp under the stars. Mike would say ‘he’s going to be fine.’ And then 5 minutes later, ‘let me try call him again!’ We prayed for the Lord’s protection on him. There was nothing more we could do.  I fell asleep just after 9pm and woke at 2am and tried to call him… again voicemail. I dozed until 3-45am when my alarm went off.  I got up and tried again, but still his voicemail was on. We figured he must be out of cell phone range. We tried not to dwell on all the horrible possibilities…scorpions, snakes, baddies, broken arms and a few other things flashed through my mind. As I sat having my quiet time, I was reading the OT book of Hosea . Imagine in my anxious state encountering these amazing words “But I am the Lord your God who bought you out of Egypt. You shall acknowledge no other God but Me, no Saviour but Me. I cared for you IN THE DESERT, in the land of the burning heat!” (Hosea 13:4-5) I wrote in my ‘little red book’ The Lord will care for David.

Comforted, I went off to work  and got carried away with the Rise and Shine show. I mentioned David’s  excursion on air to PJ at about 6-45am. Later, I heard that Mike was on the phone for me. My heart missed a beat! While I was waiting for the  call to be transferred to the studio, I picked up my cell phone and looked at it. I had it on silent. There were two messages, both from David, first saying he was fine and the second a few minutes later saying he was close to Sutherland.  YaY!!! He was safe! Praise the Lord! That was all I wanted to hear! Mike had got the same messages and called to make sure I knew! Such a relief!  As soon as 9am came and David knew I was off air he called me.  What had happened was that he had cycled 50km from Middelpos and came to a farm.  He went up to the farmhouse and the farmer was outside, so he asked if he could doss down in the barn for the night. The farmer said he would ask one of the cottage dwellers if he could sleep on the couch. The man in the cottage allowed him to do just that. Whew! Thank you Lord! He tried to get hold of us to let us know, but there was absolutely no cell phone reception. This morning after he had cycled a further 22km, he saw he had a good signal and stopped to send us an sms! It was such a relief! Grateful Parents tonight!

Back to the show, here is PJ reading the traffic news…

Notice the Rise and Shine mug! On sale at Carols by Candlelight for R40. 🙂

After the show I did show prep & then went shopping. I really felt like I needed to celebrate so treated myself to lunch…

And while I was there, look who I got to meet… 🙂

Caleb, such a sweet young man…now 5 months old! Son of Victor and Candice Thomas and grandson of John and Avril. So so cute! His parents who now live in Canada are here for a holiday.

The Mall is looking very festive…just waiting for Father Christmas!

Since starting this blog, I’ve got distracted…washed and dried Granny’s hair and made dinner. Mike is home and he is making coffee.

I’m going for a walk!

In His grip!

Love Helga xx 🙂  🙂




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