Road Finally Tarred


Dear Elsie

Today was the day the road was finally tarred. For the last few months, a company has dug up the road to lay new water pipes. They started in about March.

Finally, today we got to the tarring stage. The “kidney rattler” – that’s what the foreman said this machine does…gives kidneys a real rattle.

Men at work… 


Now they need to replace the roll-over kerbs they broke up. They have said they will.

Meanwhile, Courage worked on the loft window roof section. He stripped it back.

Tomorrow, the engineer will come to see how we can reinforce it to make the window slightly higher.  It’s this section above the window that is now exposed. The horizontal beam will be made a little higher.

For me, I worked for most of the day. This afternoon, we walked to Fish Hoek and on my way home, I saw Werner, the builder who built our house. I stopped to talk, ever keen to find out the latest of the house he is supposed to be building diagonally behind us. He said there are still 2 more objections to overcome and then he should be able to start, so we wait to see. Maybe it will be this year. Mandy (the owner) has waited so long.

The rain seems to have passed, although the north wind is still blowing. There is also cloud about but no rain.

We have just been watching planes land at Heathrow Airport (FlightFocus365). The first plane that came in aborted landing which we have never seen before. It lost its place in the queue and ended up coming in after about half a dozen more arrivals.

Wednesday done and dusted. Time for a quiet evening.

Psalm 130:5
I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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