Dear Elsie
Today I venture into the world of dentistry. In the last month I had a broken tooth fixed and an oral hygiene appointment, so it was not a surprise when a reel came up on my Instagram feed. It was a dentist looking in horror when she discovered that someone was rinsing their mouth out after they had brushed their teeth. What? For all the years I’ve been brushing my teeth, you finish the brushing, swirl water in your mouth and rinse it out. That’s how you brush your teeth. The dentist looked horrified. “That,” she said, “is like putting moisturizer on your face and then hopping in the shower and washing it off!” When you brush your teeth, you want the fluoride to stay in contact with your teeth for as long as possible, so when you have finished brushing, you spit the excess toothpaste out and leave the rest to lovingly coat your teeth. This will allow the fluoride to go to work in protecting them.
Well I never.
Now suddenly, this is a thing. I googled it.
Feeling I was the only person on the planet that didn’t know this, I have spent a week pondering it. Today, I plucked up the courage to ask Stacey and David what they did. Surely, being the next generation, they already know this. I left them each a voice note. Stacey’s response…
Mike says he’s not changing – he’s always rinsed and rinsing will continue. I am now diligently spitting….
Today I didn’t get any exercise and I worked more than 8 hours. It’s because the wind is howling. It’s expected to continue through tomorrow, but be better by Wednesday. Perhaps, Wednesday we can go to the beach.
Graham arrived from the UK (regular guest who comes a couple of times a year). The French guests in the Loft leave tomorrow.
Yesterday I forgot to mention it was Avril’s birthday. My phone reminded me of last year’s birthday party.
The children have grown since then! Happy birthday Avril. May the year ahead be abundantly blessed!
Psalm 32:7
You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
It’s not about now – we are only passing through.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Gran xx 🙂