Raiku on the Move


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we have had the cats for 2 weeks! I celebrated it by letting them out and then spent about half an hour looking for them. I followed Claw’d to make sure he didn’t stray so far and eventually got him in, but by doing so, lost track of Raiku, so he ended up staying out for a while. Eventually, he came in. This afternoon, I opened the door and let them out again. Raiku took off. Claw’d stayed behind. Raiku is still out! I know that he has found the perfect little hide-away behind the upper tanks. I’ve just been outside to try to find him and walked right the way round the house, through all the tight spots. Finally, Brian, who is Courage’s handlanger, spotted him at the neighbour’s house and called to him. With that Raiku ran like the wind, disappearing around the neighbour’s house. A few minutes later he appeared the other side and so began a bit of a cat and mouse game which has continued a few hours later.

Julian and I walked to the end of Fish Hoek beach and back, while Mike ran to Glencairn and back. On our return, we I called for Raiku and immediately the defiant ginger appeared, looked delightedly across at us and disappeared again. The bush in which he was hiding…

No amount of calling and cajoling has lured him in, so I opened the scullery window and put some tinned food there to try attract him. Eventually, Mike and I both went out to call for him and in time, he appeared…

But to get him from there, through our fence and back to safety took another 20 minutes. I knew he’d come when he was hungry. Claw’d who is now considered a saint, waited patiently and then as soon as Raiku arrived, they both got stuck into dinner.

Raiku is going to be in cat jail for all of tomorrow! He will eventually be let loose to wander, but I think I’ll only be completely comfortable once he’s been here a month. Ha, I’ve just seen the title of yesterday’s blog, “Precious Pair!” Today I’m not feeling so warm and fuzzy towards my little delinquent!

That was an eventful cat day.

I worked 7 hours in between!

Psalm 139: 7
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx


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