Poor Granny…


The day went off well enough, until I was sitting at the coffee shop having coffee with friends when my cell phone rang. It was David, phoning from home, just to tell me Granny was vomiting! Oh my! Granny so never gets sick. This is the first time I’ve heard of her actually getting sick in the 10 years she has been with us.  I wrapped up the shopping and zipped home, to find her lying on her bed looking very bleak! Poor Granny.  She looked a bit dehydrated. I managed to coax her into a little water, which she managed to keep down. She slept for a bit and then I took her tea and toast, which she managed. I must go and take her temperature, as she feels a little hot. I’ll see how she does this evening. I often say she has the constitution of an ox, so I am sure she will bounce back from this.

At CCFm, it is Hanniki’s birthday on Thursday, so she bought in flowers to brighten up the office…

On my way home, I stopped at Wayne’s to drop something off. I gave it to Cari, his b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l 19 year old daughter and I know some listeners wanted to see her photo as she was in the studio on Friday, so here she is…

On the way over Boyes Drive, I stopped for 1 minute to admire what is another spectacularly wind-free day…

Mike has just got home. Lasagne is for dinner. I’m off to CCFm for the first hour of the health clinic which is on from 6PM to 9PM. The advert says PM, but we have had a steady trickle of listeners all through the day!

I’m using this verse on the radio tomorrow morning…

John 16:33 Jesus speaking “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Great comfort.

God bless you loads.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂



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