Poignant Love…


Yesterday, I went to see Granny. She was happy & content. I went early because she was due to go to the hairdresser. There is much excitement in her section at the moment because on Sunday, one of the ladies turns 99. She is amazed she has got this far and each time she is reminded, she shakes her head in disbelief. Born 14th July 1914, she has lived a very long life. I also saw one of my favourite ladies. She again taught me a lesson. I’ve learned her name now (Anne-Marie) and met her husband. She has dementia and is the lady who regularly repeats, “I love you my darling”  and “You’re beautiful.” Her husband, Ian, visits often. They have been married for 23 years. Anne-Marie was sitting quietly. Her husband arrived and at first stood  behind a pillar. Then he said hello to one of the other residents. Anne-Marie heard his voice…and quickly turned…

She hears his voice…and then up she got and she rushed into his arms…

And she runs to himIt is such a poignant love. She is so vulnerable and he is so caring. He came and took her out – taking her to a place she may recognise… reminding her of his love for her. Doing what he promised to do 23 years ago….to cherish her.

It reminded me too of our response when we hear the voice of God. When He speaks, turn immediately, rush to Him and He will meet you. He will be so very caring to us who are so very vulnerable. He will take us to a place we will recognise – reminding us of His love for us. He will do what He has promised to do – to cherish us. His love is everlasting.

Psalm 36:5 Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies.

There are lots of lessons to be learned from the residents of this place. 800 years of life experience in Granny’s section alone! This is the view leaving the Ladies Christian Home.

View from LCH gateThe weekend is here!

Have a fabulous one!

God bless you loads!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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