Plumber Came


Dear Elsie

Today was a significant day for the development of the plot behind us. The plumber came to put in the first of the drainage pipes.

Plumbing in place at the end of the day…

Mike has also overseen the cutting of a path that goes from the backdown the other side of our house, so Brian and Courage can carry rubble down to a patio that is in the making…

Those gabion baskets will grow by at least one more level and there is a lot of fill that needs to be taken down there. Courage and Brian are taking from the back.

This is a different angle. They have single handedly excavated a huge amount but have a long way to go yet.

Brian taking wheelbarrow loads of rubble down the hill…

They are tough guys!

I worked 7 hours. The internet was slow so it was, at times frustrating. I think it was on our server side which is somewhere in the UK.

Tonight, David has, for the first time in a month, gone to friends for dinner. They know his condition and he can park right outside their house and walk a very sort distance inside. Also there are no steps. Hopefully, it won’t wipe him out too much. He had a good conversation with his manager yesterday & it looks like he has got some flexibility for going to China. The time crunch is not as severe as we thought it was. If he can get to Johannesburg by the middle of May to get the visa stamp in his passport, he will be able to then leave for China within 2-3 months from that point. This is great news. It gives him plenty of time to get better.

Meantime, I’m counting down to when I leave for Johannesburg and then Saint Helena Island. Today Mike got me a British adaptor so I can charge my cell phone and laptop. I’m taking my Linux laptop which I’m typing on now for practice! It will use a lot less internet. It’s tiny and so I’ve had to adjust my typing action. If I inadvertently rest my hand on the middle mouse pad, the cursor jumps up to another part of the screen. Also, the space bar needs to be whacked harder than usual or else it doesn’t give a space. Now I need to figure out how to be my photos from my phone to this notebook & then I should be able to post the daily blogs when I am in the South Atlantic. The time is going to fly by, so I’d better enjoy every moment.

Psalm 92:5

How great are your works, Lord,  how profound your thoughts!

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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