Patterns of Life

The patterns of life are so interesting. For those of us who are older, we see more perspective as life passes by. And, although it is never easy to go through a tough season, we begin to understand and remind ourselves, that it is just a season. It’s not the end of the road but a bend in the road. That’s always good to remember.


Matthew Henry writes,

“Living souls never can take up their rest any where short of a living God. To appear before the Lord is the desire of the upright, as it is the dread of the hypocrite. When the soul rests on itself, it sinks; if it catches hold of the power and promise of God, the head is kept above the billows.”

There are always going to be times in our lives when we are downcast, or melancholy. What we do in those times sets us apart from the rest. We can choose to remain in a state of morbidity or we can to choose to get up, to look on the bright side, to focus on the Author & Perfecter of our faith; to continue to trust God, knowing He is faithful and He is our Solid Rock in whom we can put our trust.

I wrote  the above on Tuesday 28th August 2012. I’m not sure what I was going through, but the season of life passed and life continued. I was prompted to write it after I had read this verse that morning:

Psalm 42:5

Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Saviour and my God.



As I look at the patterns of life and the ebb and flow of our world, it’s very evident that eventually it is going to end. My Mom would have turned 84 this month. I ponder what she would have been like had she lived. She died just short of her 72nd birthday. Mike’s Mom would turn 92 this year. I watched the end of her life come quietly, painfully, sadly. Both Moms are far better off where they are now. Living in fullness of light.

We can’t live forever on this planet. It’s just not going to happen and neither do I want it to. The main thing is that my life will not end when I breath my last breath here on earth. I’ll just cross over to a better far more spectacular place.

Oh what a place that will be. I am only passing through and with heaven beckoning, I smile at the thought. Big. Bright. Beautiful. Whatever I can imagine – far far better than that. We will see – we will hear – we will understand. Because I believe in Jesus Christ, I know for sure, it will all be better. Much. Much. Better.

Unspeakably better.

On my death, the pattern of life as I know it will end. The best will be ahead. A heavenly pattern that absolutely would blow my earthly mind! I can’t imagine it here. I can only take it when I get there.

What a day of rejoicing that will be.

So take your rest in the living God here – catch hold of the power and promise of God and allow Him to keep your head above the billows.

The best is yet to come.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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