Devil’s Peak Hike Was Quite a Challenge


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we hiked up Devil’s Peak and it was quite a challenge! We got to the start at about 6.45am.

I took a photo every kilometer or so….this is 1km.

2km… you can see the large swathe of cloud coming down Table Mountain…

We were walking in the shade. 3km….the rocky path.

but just 200m later, this view appeared….

That was from the saddle. Here’s the deal – that was the warmup! What was to come was very very steep. A 1km vertical climb that bought us out in view of the first (auxiliary) beacon.

4km…very misty with no city views to be seen.

The trip up was 4.3km. At the top we hung around the beacon a bit and took a few photos.

Other photos from around the top…

Yay, I got a view….

High above De Waal Drive….

This was one of the most amazing photos…Cape Town looking like an island..

5km photo….actually 5.4km.




Our hike was 8.72km.

That was the first time we had climbed to the top of Devil’s Peak. This was where we went.

We spent the rest of the day recovering. In the evening, the guests from the Loft came up and we had a bit of a chat. They are French originating from New Caledonia which is a French owned territory between Australia and New Zealand. It was very interesting. But now I eked the marrow out of this day and it’s time to wrap it up.

3 John 1:2
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂




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Rainy Rest Day


Dear Elsie

Today was a rest day for me. I have only been half way down the stairs and have done no walking. It was a good day for a rest day because 100% chance of rain was forecast and indeed it came.

Raiku had the right idea…

I really do need to keep him awake during the day so he sleeps at night. He has been out for large chunks of the night. When he comes back in, there is a thud as he comes through the window, followed by an incessant meow, meow, meow… I’m here, I’m here, I’m here. He then jumps on the bed and if I’m awake, he will headbutt me. He usually will spend a few minutes kneading the duvet, purring loudly, before hopping off the bed to go have a bite to eat. It’s not uncommon for him to then head on out into the night for another hour or two before repeating the same procedure. This is why he needs to stay awake during the day, so he sleeps at night and if common sense prevails, I will close the window so he can’t go out at night. When I do that though, he will piteously plead to be let out at all hours. If I am sleep deprived, it is because of Raiku.  Right now, he is in his bed on my desk and is struggling to keep his eyes open.

But the work week has ended and there is no reason to do too much this weekend. I may do some on Sunday afternoon just to get ahead of the Monday rush. Time to lay down my tools and rest. Tomorrow, we hike.

2 John 1:5
And now I ask you, dear lady— not as though I were writing you a new commandment, but the one we have had from the beginning— that we love one another.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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The Stick Insect and the Squirrel


Dear Elsie

Today was the day of the stick insect and the squirrel. When I woke up this morning and walked into the lounge, there on the inside of the window was a stick insect. I haven’t seen one of these for years. I wonder where it came from.

With Raiku pottering nearby, I set about finding something to transport it outside. Stick insects are not like fast moving  creatures that need a glass or a bowl put over them. They move slowly, so I got an envelop and slid it towards the little fellow. Immediate success, I carried the envelop outside.

And let him go in the lavender.

Raiku didn’t even notice.

At just before 7am, I set off for my walk. Today I walked Highway to Kommetjie, across Kommetjie, down 4th and just walked on until my watch said 2.5km. It was then that I turned for home. I went back via the beach, had a word with a few of the locals before going home our usual route. When I got up the first lot of stairs to the side patio, to my surprise I saw a squirrel in the tree.  It saw me too and scuttled down with no time to waste.

The little critter shot up the stairs. We  have never seen a squirrel on our mountainside before. It was fun to see.

I’m glad Raiku didn’t see him.

So that was the day of the stick insect and the squirrel, two little animals I’ve not seen here before.

I worked for almost 9 hours.  It’s good to be busy.

Tomorrow I am planning to rest ahead of our hike on Saturday.

1 John 5:11
And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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The Sea Tricked Us


Dear Elsie

Today is your Mom’s birthday! I’m sure you had a good time with her, eating cake and celebrating. It was good to see you on the video call today.

We began the day by going to the beach. The sea tricked us. The north wind has been blowing as we are expecting rain tomorrow. The wind has been from the north for a few days and when that happens, the water goes from a lovely 18C to a chilly 15C. I braced myself. It looked cold.

But when I got in, I was in for a lovely surprise. It was as warm and soft, and, when I swam out to the barrel, it was even warmer. I swam up and down a number of times and was in for 40 minutes. The water in places, out at the barrel must have been about 20C. It was amazing.

Fish Hoek water at its best.

There were a number of things to do when we got home. We needed to open the Loft for the new guests and I had a truck-load of work. Once the guests were in, I could focus on work, although I did take a break to go look at the top plot. Courage has done such a lot of excavation…

Mike and Courage…

Looking down the stairs…

The entry courtyard with the vine going mad…

It was a lovely day. Now the clouds are rolling in and tomorrow we should get some rain.

A very productive day today.

1 John 4:7
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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If It Is To Be…


Dear Elsie

Today was the day it rained, so we didn’t go to the beach, but I did go for a walk. It was on the walk that I remembered how much of my recent life has been dominated by a couple of phrases: If it is to be, it is up to me, being one of them. If I’m going to walk, I’m the only one who can do it. Just after 7am, I set off down the hill and onto Simon’s Town Rd and walked to Glencairn Beach and back. It was on the way back that light rain began to fall and for a kilometer or two I was the happy recipient of a gentle shower.

Back home, I worked for 8 hours, had multiple meetings which kept me sitting for more than 2 hours.

It was after work that I saw this headline (research done by the British Journal of Sports Medicine last week)

The other word that comes to mind when I think of my daily walks is ‘intentionality’.  I have to make a serious effort to walk 10000 steps a day. It doesn’t just happen by accident. If it is to be, it is up to me. At the beginning of this year, I didn’t focus so much on daily walking. When I decided to try for 10000 steps a day, two things happened. I became much more intentional about achieving it, and it became a habit. After 28 days of walking, it became easier and more embedded in my planning. Now I need it & have so enjoyed its benefits. Hopefully sufficient enough to climb Devil’s Peak soon.

Today Julian returned to Jo’burg.

David live-streamed the chess – the longest game this tournament so far – it ended in a draw. We are getting sucked into (believe it or not) the excitement of it. It’s not like watching paint dry. There is so much more strategy to it. My chess is stuck in the 70s.

Raiku is getting over his Bravecto.

Today is Stacey’s birthday-eve.

Today was better than yesterday – not nearly as much stress & I enjoyed the day.

One of my favourite Bible verses…

1 John 3:20
If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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You Have to be Awake to Enjoy This


Dear Elsie

Today was the day that, at 5.32am, I took this photo..

Since I was young, I was a morning person….a very early morning person. I remember when I was in my teens getting up at around 4am or 4.30am to study. It was the best time of the morning and it’s a hard habit to break.

Today was a tougher day than usual. I had to put Bravecto on Raiku which I did quite early. I found the perfect spot and emptied the container carefully onto his skin. As I let him go, I looked in horror. He clearly had moved as I had chosen a place at the back of his neck and instead of the muti going there, it went onto his right scapula.  As a result it was not that difficult for him to reach it. How did I get that so wrong?! Bravecto does not taste nice, but still cats will lick. I hope it still works. He always feels a little low after Bravecto but he’s eating fine and acting normally.  I’m feeling at least no harm was done. Bravecto is the only thing that really helps keeping ticks at bay as my hunter cat prowls the mountain side and bushy areas. He has settled and he will even spent more than 5 seconds in David’s arms.

The clouds have now gathered and there’s been a bit of drizzle so the sunrise side now looked like this…

Good bye Monday.

1 John 3:1
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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From The Outside Looking In


Dear Elsie

Today was another beautiful sunny day in Cape Town. The wind has been significant enough to cool things and gentle enough to have the doors thrown wide open.  One of the things we have been saying lately is ‘this is as good as it gets’.  From the outside looking in…

And this is from the inside looking out…

As good as it gets. It’s difficult not to feel we’re on a ship, in a very spacious cabin. Cruising without the ship.

No matter where you live in Cape Town, on a day like today, the beach is open to all. From the bench…actually it was the step.

A few steps along the path…perfect sand.

And from the cat walk…

It just doesn’t get better than this no matter where in the world you are.  A perfect day.

David was commentating chess, so we watched. It gets quite gripping at times…which is something you wouldn’t expect in chess, but there is so much strategy. Rest day tomorrow. Today, after more than 4 hours, it was a draw.

It’s been a good restful Sunday with a beautiful sunset…

1st December – Christmas month is upon us.

1 John 2:6
Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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The Day in Pictures


Dear Elsie

Today was the day you and I had a nice long chat. Your Mom also sent me the cutest photo of you and Pennie. You having a snack, Pennie at your side….I just love this pic…

She is already bringing much joy and pleasure as she settles in.

For us, we went to the beach this morning. The water was a balmy 18C and I spent 40 minutes in it.

Then we met Julian for breakfast at Chalk & Cheese.

We went for a stroll through Fish Hoek, mainly to take a peek at Cyril’s

Home for a shower and then out to do some shopping before heading to one of the homes up the street for the end of year neighbour’s gathering. It was good to meet some more of the community who I’d seen on the Whatsapp group but never met in person.  there was discussion about the 7th April fire. A couple whose house was badly damaged were there. The view from Sue’s home is majestic. They are on the sea-side of our road so slightly lower and closer to the sea. It’s always good to meet the neighbours.

Later this afternoon, I hauled out the Christmas tree and put it up. It hasn’t been decorated yet, but this evening, it looks beautiful with its built-in lights.

Dinner with the family and now it’s time to get this wrapped up. Raiku wants the light off.

1 John 1:5
This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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PENNIE Arrived!


Dear Elsie

Today was the most wonderful day of the year for you because PENNIE arrived. Your excitement levels have been at an all time high for this special addition to your life!

She is so adorable and I can’t wait to meet her! Such a cutie pie.

For us the day began with a couple of unexpected events. Quite early this morning, I walked down the passage to see Raiku showing a big interest in something behind the passage door. Very quickly, I saw a striped field mouse had eluded our hunter’s evil intent and was holed up behind the door in the corner. While Mike took the cat out, I kept the mouse trapped. Mike then bought a glass bowl and a clip board for me to try to trap him. These critters are so fast. As I moved the door and tried to put the bowl over it, it rushed past me. I was on my haunches. In my haste, I dropped the bowl and it crashed to the floor. The mouse froze, snuggling against my right (socked)  foot which was leaning on the skirting board. Mike rushed off to find another receptacle while I froze in place. An empty 2l ice cream container was placed in my right hand. In my left I had the clip board and with these two rodent catching devices, I gingerly moved my right foot. The little creature tried to climb the wall using my leg for leverage. I managed to scoop him into the container and slapped the clip board over him. Phew! If he had got away, he would have been able to scuttle into any number of inaccessible hiding places. I took him outside and let him loose. Raiku was let out the study and sniffed hopefully. That was how the day began.

Then, I went walking and while out, I got a message from David saying the internet was down in the cottage. David without internet on a live-streaming day is not a good start. Mike & Courage ran around and got it up and running. The live stream went off without a hitch and now Courage is doing battle with the tree that has been growing over the internet line.

Add to that,  we had a 9-night December Airbnb cancellation. Ouch. I’m hoping to recover because a many time returning guest, Graham, comes in on Sunday and he is thinking of staying on, so I’ve blocked the days in the hope he will decide to do so. He has until Monday to make a decision, but the availability of these days and the fact that he doesn’t have to move makes me think he is more likely to extend than not. Initially, he was only here for a week.

So it’s been ‘that’ kind of day, but apart from Pennie’s marvellous arrival, this also arrived: David’s chess T-Shirts. It’s his Underpromote range!

And so on with the weekend. I have one meeting left  and then I may be able to down tools and call the day done.

2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip

Gran xx 🙂


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New Houses & Planning


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I walked up to the shark spotters and looked at the new houses below the road. They are on Cliff Road which is supposed to run below them. They have made a private road at the end of Mountain Rd. for access. The view from up there is spectacular.

These are the new houses, with the one in the middle the most recent.

The time has come for us to consider the next phase of our building – when I say ‘ours’ I mean Julian’s but we are involved. There are a number of things that have to happen so we sat down and discussed it. I had to take a photo of the meeting. My family humoured me!

The next step is the first step to our funicular plans because the channel for it needs to be cleared, so that is where we are headed.

The week is drawing to a close and I’m happy about it. The biggest issue I have is a growing number of emails to get through. I still have more than 100 and tomorrow there will be more! I will try to knock ’em off by the end of the day tomorrow and they can start to gather again over the weekend.  All work is a blessing.

Now it’s time for a Grand Design.

A snippet from …

2 Peter 2:9
The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials

It’s now about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Don’t Argue With a Woman Who…


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I woke up to a still perfect sea.

We just had to go to the beach.

And it was around the trip to the beach that a couple of sayings of the day arose. Both made me laugh.

The first needs a bit of explanation. One of the things I’ve never written about is our morning beach routine. I always pack a change of clothes and go down to the beach with my backpack. The backpack contains my change of clothes,  a packet for my wet swimming costume & two towels – one hand towel & one beach towel. I also take 2litres of hot water, which gets wrapped in the beach towel. To pack the bag, the wrapped bottle of water needs to go in first. This morning, I put the other stuff in first and then tried putting in the bottle, and true to form, the bottle started sliding down and the towel didn’t get in. This is the reason the bottle needs to go first, so I started chiding myself, “Helga, this is the whole purpose of putting the bottle in first! I don’t know why you didn’t!” Mike was standing waiting for me and in response to my conversation with myself, he said, “Don’t argue with a woman who is arguing with herself!”  That made me laugh!

Off to the beach we went. Mike went off on his run and I headed for the surf. Sally, (Paul’s wife – the same Paul who brings the shower heads), was on her way out of the water. As I passed her, we greeted each other and with a twinkle in her eye, she said, “It’s delicious” talking about the water.  How could that be interpreted, I wondered? I soon found out. Literally first steps into the water told me ‘delicious’ was a post-swim term for ‘freezing cold but now I’m out”! It was bone chilling, ankle cracking, wrist wrenching…at first. But 3 minutes later,  once I had got in and further out, it improved. I went to the barrel and back, eager to watch Mike’s first response. I was not disappointed. It was really cold in the shallows. I did my 30 minutes, by which stage light rain had fallen and most of the locals had left. Joe was there though and he announced with honest conviction, “the water temperature is 11C!” I would not have been able to manage half an hour if it was 11C but I did notice the shallows were considerably colder than further out & that was where I spent most of my time.

It really was “delicious!” Walking home, our feet were numb. A hot shower warmed me up but I have been in long sleeves all day.

Julian arrived.

David live streamed an exciting chess game. The 18 year old Gukesh won. All of India celebrates. Tomorrow is a rest day.

We have everything we need for life…

2 Peter 1:3
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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With Rain Come Rainbows


Dear Elsie

Today was the day it rained, but I managed to get out early and have a 5km walk. I stayed quite close to home because I kept feeling drops & wanted the option of getting home fast. In the end I walked down  Highway, up Hillside and then up Zoutendyk steps…..I forgot how many there are of them – 165! That was part of the walk – I also walked to the end of our street and back a couple of times to make up the distance. One thing I can say is there was no one in the sea. The wind was cold – twas not a swimming day.

I got home and put the finishing touches to the Seaview Apartment as guests were coming in.

David live-streamed.

I worked.

The guests arrived.

Mike took the broken pump to a specialist place and bought a new controller so that problem should be solved. The pump that broke is one that pumps water from the tanks to the toilets.

With rain come rainbows and this afternoon amidst the clouds, there was a majestic one. They will never look as good in a photo….this was from my bedroom window.

David took this one, adding some saturation to show just how bright it was & to bring out the second rainbow. It’s one of the best we’ve seen. David’s camera is better than mine, that’s for sure1

I had quite a long work day today, so I’m happy to turn off my laptop and call it a day.

1 Peter 4:8
Love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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A Lot of Prayer Today


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I prayed a lot for my friend Deborah vZ who had a (benign) brain tumour removed. The surgery was long and slow. She went into theatre just after 8am. By 4pm, the surgeon sent news that 85% of the tumour had been removed, but he was going very slowly due to the tumour’s position. We’ve just heard the op is done and Debs is in ICU. Everything went well. Such a long surgery. She’s been very much on my mind and in my prayers. So good to see this update on our Whatsapp group…

We are so grateful.

The sun rose over a very flat False Bay. I haven’t posted a sunrise photo for a while.

We went to the beach – the water was as mild as it was yesterday. There were lots of people enjoying it. Now that we are confident there are no great white sharks, there are a lot more swimmers swimming back and forth to the barrel.

The lovely flat sea, scattered clouds and blue skies with sunshine. At the same time, what you can’t see is a fresh north wind. Rain was forecast and just after lunch, suddenly, the sun was gone, along with the warmth – it felt like someone had turned the aircon to very very cold.

While I worked, for most of the time,  I also had David’s live stream going. He did very well, given that he started around 10am and finished at about 3pm. Tomorrow, he will do it all again. It was a tense game at times. The Chess world championships are being played between a young 18 year old Indian, Gukesh Dommaraju and China’s Ding Liren (who is the reigning world champion). All of India wants Gukesh to win – all of China wants Ding! Today, Ding took the game (winning $200k). There is much more to come (14 games max). I think with Gukesh being the underdog we are hoping he will win. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. 11am SA time, 5pm in Singapore.

I had a solid day’s work.

1 Peter 3:8
Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Mystery of the Flat Tyre


Dear Elsie

Today was a beautiful Sunday.

A good rest day after yesterday’s hike. I woke with aches here and there, but we still walked down to the beach. The plan was we would both go and loll in the water, letting the cold soothe our muscles. As we walked down, I bet myself that Mike would end up going for a run before the swim. Regardless of aching feet, he is so in the habit of having a pre-swim jog, even though he said he wasn’t going to, I was pretty convinced he would. I asked myself what are the chances? I guessed 90% but then, playing in my mind as we walked, I decided I had to guess yes or no?  Without hesitation, I bet YES. So with my interest peaked, we arrived at the beach and I started taking my shoes off for my swim. I turned to Mike? “I’m just going to have a short run,” he said, and off he went. I had a little laugh. He did make it shorter. The water was wonderful. Then we came home and did very little.

Last Wednesday I mentioned that late in the day,  I had gone to pick up a couple of groceries and when I came out of the shop, the rear driver-side tyre was quite flat. I went to the petrol station and had it pumped up and then drove home. What was interesting is the tyre was fine. Mike went and had it checked and there was no leak. When I thought back to that evening, I had parked on 1st Ave outside the back of the PnP centre. I noticed there were a a few guys hanging about outside Buco, but that’s not uncommon. I slung my handbag over my head as a precaution and zipped inside. I was super quick because I think I only needed milk and yoghurt. As soon as I came out, I noticed the tyre. I didn’t look for anyone suspicious at that time as I was thinking about what to do. What I did do, is walk around the car and check the rest of the tyres which were fine. Then I got in the car and drove to the garage, but in hindsight, we wondered if one of the skollies had taken a matchstick and let the air out. I guess it could be a ploy late in the day to delay a woman on her own – maybe try make some money on changing the tyre – or have some other malicious intent. I was so quick, possibly the job didn’t get finished. The mystery of the flat tyre will remain, but it’s been fine ever since.

That’s the weekend over.  Tomorrow, it’s a month til Christmas.

1 Peter 2:24
He himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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God’s Grace on the Contour Path


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we did a very long trail walk. We started off  at 6.30am with the plan to walk along the Contour Path from Constantia Nek to Table Mountain Rd & that was what we did.

We were in shade for most of the way. This is not far along.

We know the path from Constantia Nek to Kirstenbosch as we’ve done it a few times. From Kirstenbosch to the King’s Blockhouse (Rhodes Memorial) was less known to us. We knew it would take us through Newlands Forest but were not very familiar with the route. We had been up there once and found a massive table, so we were expecting to pass that. But first we had to get to Kirstenbosch. It was there that we became very evident of God’s grace on the contour path. When I planned this hike 3 or 4 weeks ago, I had no idea that it would be the day of the Ultra Marathon which would leave from Constantia Nek and be mainly along our path. Last night I read they would go to the Blockhouse and beyond and then come down to the city. My thought was they may pass us, but I didn’t think how well this would work out for us. Their route was clearly marked with flags. We just needed to follow the flags & so that was what we did. They were a Godsend.

What it also meant is there were marshalls & security along the way. We had chosen the exact right day to do this hike – we wouldn’t get lost or mugged!  We were on the right track – Smuts Track..

We got to the turn-off…

And it was here that the going got tough. To go from Kirstenbosch to Newlands Forest you have to climb. We are not afraid of steps but the unexpectedness and number of these were enough to challenge even us!

They went on and on and on…

Eventually, I stopped taking photos of them. We did meet very interesting people and had a number of chats along the way. We soon got over the worst of them and got a gap where we could see the view of Kirstenbosch below.

All this time, we hadn’t had breakfast. We were hoping to arrive at the bench. We had been walking for more than 2 hours. Up the endless steps, over a lot of rocks (so grateful for the flags) and past the ‘rocky scree’ which was on the map and looked like this…remnants of a serious rockfall.

Finally, the bench was in sight. Just before it was this map….the red arrows I’ve put in to show how far we’d come.

With the map was this sign….

If we were 2 hours from Rhodes Memorial, we were 3 hours from our destination. But first breakfast! We got to the bench and ate! I took this photo at 9.41am, 3 hours after starting.

With tummies full, we set off – initially, very slowly and sluggishly. Our blood supply now had divide loyalties – it had food to digest and so our leg muscles took second place. For about an hour, we felt particularly slow! But it was onwards and upwards.

The path was well marked, shady and easy walking….and it wasn’t long when we reached the stile…go right here for Rhodes Memorial. Go through the stile for the Blockhouse.

Through the stile, up the road, following the flags which took the short cut to King’s Blockhouse.  It was 10.55am when I took this photo. Funny story, with my sunglasses on, I thought the big bush was the blockhouse. I only got the corner of it.

At this point, we were feeling really good. We were amazed we had got so far. The runners were now coming through and along the Contour path between the Blockhouse and Tafelberg Road, we did a lot of clapping and encouraging.

As we progressed, we went under Woodstock Cave….

And got to the trees…

And the view was spectacular…

We made our way down to the road, while the runners continued on the mountain. And soon we were here!

I set up my cell phone and put the timer on…

David was there to collect us and take us back to the beginning. The only issue was, there are roadworks on Table Mountain Road, so we walked down to him.

It took us 5 hours and 52 minutes and ended up being 25.08km!

When we were in the car, I glanced down at my watch and laughed. “Check your steps” I said to Mike. He looked at his watch and he found it hilarious. Never before have we seen so many – 31000 steps!

So, if someone is every Googling, ‘how far is it from Constantia Nek to Table Mountain Rd’,  or “how far is it along the contour path from Constantia Nek to the Cableway”, it’s 25km. It was more than double the distance of when we climbed Table Mountain but it wasn’t as hard.

Those flags had me thinking….we go through life, trying to find our way. God never leaves us without flags to direct our path. They may not be there all the time, but they are there. Today’s flags were such a help. We knew exactly where to go.  God’s grace on the contour path that’s for sure.

1 Peter 1:25
But the word of the Lord remains forever

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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