

Dear Elsie

Today was the day, we didn’t go to the beach. I went for a walk but decided to break into a job, trotting down the hills and mostly walking up them.  According to my watch, it’s the kind of exercise I should be doing to get fitter

That got the day off to a good start. I was grateful too, this morning, that I didn’t encounter one of Raiku’s offerings on the lounge floor. This happened on Saturday morning, when he left a huge rat for me to find. Without thinking about the consequences, I used a piece of toilet paper, picked it up and with a good tennis action, tossed it into the neighbour’s bush. This morning Mike went outside and found Raiku on the stairs with the remains of above mentioned rat. Arghhhh! Raiku! Courage retrieved the rodent and gave it a burial. This cat, he is a ratscallion. True hunter.

Mike and David are currently listening to President Trump giving his inauguration speech. There is much laughter coming from the lounge!

Julian and I walked to the end of the road & encountered the City Sewerage department. There’s always something. This time it’s a blocked sewer. This guy has the eww job – yet he very cheerfully jumped in front of my camera keen to be snapped – 5.30pm and still smiling!

The wind has picked up and will blow through tomorrow before dropping on Wednesday.

And that’s the day.

Psalm 18:2
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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A VERY Productive Day


Dear Elsie

Today turned out to be a solid day of work. If yesterday was a day of rest, today was the opposite. Late yesterday evening, we had a last minute booking for the loft for a guest arriving today by 12noon. Only issue was, the loft had not been cleaned since Gareth left yesterday! I was determined to get to the beach first, so we headed down at 7ish & had a wonderful swim. Just see this outdoor paradise.


The water was so warm, so clear, so still. It was like a swimming pool. Fish Hoek Beach at its best.  It doesn’t get better than this!

Home for breakfast and then to the Loft to get stuck in. As soon as I walked in, I knew the guest could come as early as she liked. Gareth left it in excellent order. We started cleaning at 9am and finished at shortly after 10am. The lovely guest arrived & is safely settled. It’s the first time we have every unit occupied. We have 3 that we use, but only 2 are on Airbnb. The Little Lookout is the overflow and tomorrow is when George leaves. George is from the UK and was staying nearby. I stopped to speak to him on the street one day and when he heard we had rental units, he took down my number. He needed 2 nights when his booking ended & we were happy to help.

Finally by 12 noon, the linen was washed and on the line & I could have my second cup of coffee. By then I was getting a few work messages, so I jumped on line and dealt with those. I ended up working for almost 3 hours. It feels so good to be up to date and to start the week not overwhelmed.

We then walked to Harbour Bay for dinner. We are now home and watching Art We There Yet – a YouTube channel by a couple who make an epic road trip in an old renovated bus from Alaska to Argentina. Quite the adventurers. The production is a professional one.

That was a good weekend.

Matthew 13:23
But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Coffee BloC at Buitenverwachting


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we had a wonderful breakfast at the Coffee BloC at Buitenverwachting. It was the final hurrah for my 60th birthday as it was paid for by a very generous gift voucher! What a super gift! This spectacular farm in Constantia lives up to its name of Beyond Expectation.

It was built in 1796

Breakfast view…

Coffee at the Coffee BloC…

The breakfast was huge.

Afterwards, we took a walk around…

A super memory was made. Thank you! What a treat.

We managed a swim this morning. We left early – the weather was beautiful, the water was balmy and the beach was busy. It was a lovely 40 minute swim I had. This evening, Julian and I walked down to the beach again and did a loop back up Daisy Lane.

Dinner has been eaten and now we are going to watch a Grand Design. A good Saturday.

I always find psalms I want to try memorize. Psalm 16 with its 11 verses is such a psalm, but it’s hard work. I have to be super intentional about committing anything to memory.

Psalm 16:2
I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Helicopter Rescue Training


Dear Elsie

Today was the day there was helicopter rescue training at Fish Hoek beach again. The last one was on the 7th December. We watched from our balcony as over and over again, the helicopter picked up the ‘patient’ and raised them from the water. The helicopter pilots have to learn how to do these things. They have to see the effect of the chopper on the water and acquire the skill of lowering the rope and guiding it to the patient.  Then to carry the dangling pair to safety. The first attempt was a wide circle. By the end, it was far more direct. The emergency medics have to learn how to jump into the water to get to someone in distress. While we watched from our balcony we saw just a snippet of what was happening.

Down on the beach was professional photographer Alyson Ison and she got some amazing photos. She posted them all on Facebook.

Chopper hovering…

Guy jumping out…

Helicopter letting the rope down…

Lifting the rescuer and the patient.

The whole team on the grass.

We are so blessed to have such skilled emergency workers. When I went to the end of our road the night a car dramatically crashed down the mountain, I was in awe of how many emergency personnel arrived and how much expertise, time and energy was put into saving these two youngsters. I don’t take this level of competency for granted.

That was the excitement of the morning. I had got up and by 7am, I headed out the door for a walk. I decided to go down Zoutendyk steps. Valerie Gail had sent me a link to a FB story of a mural that had been painted on the wall.

It’s the steps between Highway and Hillside that you find this lovely piece of art…

After the steps, I went to Simon’s Town road to Glencairn and back and added a bit of jogging to get my heart rate up. It was a great way to start the day.

Friday! Weekend.

Proverbs 3:21
My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion;

Sound judgment and discretion – good to remember.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Family Strife


Dear Elsie

I’ve been reading about a family’s strife. It’s quite a story of conflict and bitterness and it continued through at least 3 generations. Things started becoming tense when the husband took on a mistress because his wife couldn’t fall pregnant. It sounds like such a bad idea, but that’s what happened with Abraham and Sarah. Hagar entered the equation, was given to Abraham and  Ishmael was the outcome. The Bible gives us such a large perspective of life. This  epic account covers the highs and lows of the lives of the major players of the time. Sarah tolerated Hagar and Ishmael until after Isaac was born. When he was weaned they threw a massive feast, but during it, there was an incident that clearly resulted in tempers flaring. “Sarah saw the son whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham was mocking”. What that entailed is not divulged but it left Sarah fuming, “Get rid of that slave woman and her son,” she instructed Abraham.  Abraham didn’t know what to do because Ishmael was his flesh and blood after all. He was reassured that God would take care of him & he send Hagar and Ishmael away.

Fast forward 40 years and Isaac is now 40 and needs a wife. The account of Rebekah is one of the Bible’s great sweet love stories. It takes Rebekah about 20 years to fall pregnant, so I guess she was 40 when she had the twins Jacob and Esau. It was when they were young adults that the first cracks appeared. On a whim, back from a trip and starving hungry, Esau asked Jacob for some of the food he was making. Jacob who was born second, said “first sell me your birthright.” Esau, weak and feeling like he was going to die, agreed & so the privilege that came with the firstborn was passed to Jacob. It included leadership of the family and a double portion of the father’s inheritance.

Time passed. Esau did not marry within the family faith as was hoped for. He found himself two Hittite wives. With new foreign daughters-in-law in the family, angst was at an all time high. “They were a source of grief to Isaac and Rebekah”. Things were about to get worse. Isaac was on his death bed when Rebekah manipulated circumstances so that Isaac gave Jacob his blessing instead of Esau. The deceit created a deep hatred and Esau planned on killing Jacob. When the plot was overheard, Jacob left post-haste heading for Rebekah’s brother Laban. Safe at Laban’s, Jacob fell in love with Rachel. Laban, also one to be deceitful, snuck Rachel’s sister Leah into the marriage tent and Jacob found himself having married the wrong girl! A week later he married Rachel as well.

Two wives don’t work. There was such conflict between Leah and Rachel as they vied for the affection of Jacob & tried to grow his family through themselves and their maidservants. The conflict & jealousy knew no bounds. And, then there was Laban, Jacob’s father-in-law. There didn’t seem to be teamwork between them either. Eventually, Jacob takes his whole family and leaves. Rachel even steals her father’s idols on the way out. 12 sons are born to Jacob and this massive family with huge numbers of livestock head back to where Jacob first lived – and in that region is his brother Esau, who hears he is coming.

Decades had passed since Jacob deceitfully took his brother’s inheritance and Esau wanted to kill him for it.

Talk about strife in the family.

Jacob was very uncertain about meeting Esau again. When he heard Esau was coming with 400 men, he was petrified. He allocated 550 animals plus the young of the camels as a gift for Esau.  “Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him”. They wept. Esau accepted all the livestock and then they parted. They do meet again when Isaac dies and even after that there is a reference, “He (Esau) moved to a land some distance from his brother Jacob. Their possessions were too great for them to remain together.”

As I read this whole account what occurred to me is:

  1. Family strife is normal, not ideal, but normal.
  2.  There is nothing new under the sun.
  3. Time can heal relationships.
  4. Even in the messiness God revealed Himself.
  5. Regardless of family strife, God can use the people involved & it doesn’t stop Him working out his plan.

What’s tough is the strife in Abraham’s family is recorded for all time. Those chapters in Genesis are something to chew over.

For me today, I took off for an early morning windy walk.

There were still people in the sea – the regulars enthusiastically using their body-boards and enjoying the waves. For me, I need a flat sea to enjoy a swim. I walked 6.66km, so that got me my steps easily enough.

8 hours of work later, my blog is done and now it’s time for dinner.

It’s always good to encounter this Bible verse in my reading.

Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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The Site Office


Dear Elsie

Your first day of ‘big school’ today as you donned your new school uniform and headed for Grade 1. Well done my girl! The best is yet to come.

For us, it rained this morning, so no walking was done. The rain gave way to sunshine, but by then I had showered and was sitting at my desk working. Nine hours later I stopped.

We walked down to Fish Hoek to pick up some groceries, passing the beach, where there was a horse on the sand.

Julian had arrived so he got to see how far the site office has got. Mike has been calling around to find roofing and wall sheets, so that will be next. Here are the photos…

This is where it’s up to…

We are now waiting for the walls and roofing to arrive.

Work has been abundant. I am not lacking in things to do. I could be working now, there is just so much of it. I have to put the breaks on and try pace myself. Tomorrow is another day.

Matthew 10:30
And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Grade 1 for Elsie


Dear Elsie

Today you went to your orientation day at your new school for Grade 1. It was just a short morning before you go for the proper start tomorrow. At least you know what to expect now. You are always so brave and resilient. Gran is so proud of you!

Today it rained. From early in the morning, we felt a fresh north wind. Rain was coming. We did manage to go to the beach though.

While the wind was cool, the water was beautifully warm. I swam out to the barrel and back a couple of times. Later in the day, the rain came down in bluster showers, but soon passed. The wind is now from the south-east  and I don’t think it will rain again. It’s one of the things about being able to see the sea. It’s very easy to see which way the wind is blowing. I just need to look at the waves and see which way they are headed. If they are blowing towards Rooi Els, it’s a north wind. If the waves are rolling towards Fish Hoek, it’s south-easterly.

We had a pink sea & sky this evening.

The new guests arrived. They are in for 10 days or so.

With our cruise 92 days away, we are beginning to consider some excursions. One of the few stops after many days at sea is Dakar, Senegal. The excursion offerings are meagre, may be in French and don’t hold much of an attraction for us. It looks like walking off the ship is probably the best option, but taking very little with us, as pick-pocketing and petty theft are rife.

Time to call it a day.

Proverbs 3:13-16
Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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From Daisy Lane


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I was back on the beat – walking around the hood getting some steps. I went down to Fish Hoek via the cat walk…

I nipped into Pick n Pay and then walked home along the Mountain Route which included Daisy Lane.

The view from Daisy Lane towards the Silvermine Mountains caught my attention for a short while. Is it possible that flat spot is where the lookout point is?

From up there,  Daisy lane is about where the arrow below.   

It was hard trying to identify each spot from the other.  In  my mind, it’s just reinforced how much I love walking on the mountain.  I just can’t wait to go again – any mountain – any time. It doesn’t have to be a 12km super hike.

Today was a good work day. I got in close to 9 hours. Apart from that, guests left. The next ones arrive tomorrow – and it’s with a twist. They are currently down in Fish Hoek in a flat. They were going to walk up, bringing all their luggage & said they needed two trips. We’ll go down to get them – much simpler.

I still have a few steps to get, so let me go and do that. Then I’m done for the day.

Matthew 9:21
She said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.”

Only one small step of faith is required.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Quiet Restful Sunday


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we woke up after the big hike yesterday and we both felt fine. It was a good day to take it easy, rest, sleep and do very little, so that’s what we did. David came up for coffee. I remembered I had bacon & eggs, so I made a cooked breakfast which went down a treat. Then David went home and we slept!

In the afternoon, I did 2 hours of work to get ahead of the pack tomorrow. Then we nipped out to buy some groceries.

Last night we went to the Berettas for dinner. Riana made a wonderful Moroccan dish of chicken and couscous. She made a huge batch and so I came home with a bowl of couscous, some of which I had with my breakfast. For dinner, I added a bunch of veggies, some cheese and mayo and it was delicious!

It has to be a very slow day when I post a photo of food! I think the first time I ever had couscous was when we went on a family canoeing holiday to the Breede River. I think it was in the early 2000s. That paddling holiday was hard work. I was not nearly as fit then as I am today and I remember one of the workers having to come and tow me along for a while because we were so slow and had fallen way behind.  I think Stacey and I were sharing a canoe. Yoh. It was exhausting paddling up stream into the wind.

I had a nice long call with Stacey which was a highlight of the day. So excited for you Elsie starting Grade 1 this week. How time flies.

And that’s it, for the weekend. Almost half way through January.

Onwards and upwards in 2025.

Matthew 9:12-13
On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Today’s Hike in Pictures


Dear Elsie

We live in the most beautiful city in the world. Today we got to enjoy it from the mountain, but my my my, it stretched us. We went with the Ramblers – a hiking group. I thought it would be ‘slow’ but it turns out some of those people can move it! 12km, 21000 steps. It was from Rhodes Memorial up to the Kings Blockhouse, along the contour path with an excursion to Woodstock Cave. Back down to the contour path, all the way round to Table Mountain, under the cable car and back to the road where we had a car parked.

The start –

Where we were headed…

It is a gruelling uphill slog to get there…

Almost there…

And we all happy to pull up some grass..

We walked along the Contour path until, those who were up for it, took the detour to Woodstock Cave…

It meant another mountain to climb.

Approaching Woodstock cave…

It was a little scramble but soon we were there, in time for Saturday morning Church at Woodstock Cave.

The view is amazing from inside…

Back down to the contour path…

Bye Woodstock Cave…(I don’t know what the cave to the right is)

Then it was round to the city…the Lion – head and rump…

Table Mountain looming above…

With a couple of breaks, one in the shade…

From there, we broke away from the group of 26, excused ourselves and went on with another couple Julie and Andrew. They had given us a lift from the parking on Table Mountain Rd to Rhodes Memorial, so we were going to lift them back. They had an appointment, so chose to go on ahead. Julie was like a gazelle and dashed along the rocky contour path with ease and grace. A woman easily in her mid 50s, it was hard to keep up with her. I did manage to snap a few pictures (good excuse to please stop!)

Cable car above…

And finally we got to this spot…and, shortly afterwards took a path down to the road.

What an amazing hike. I think I’d like to to the Table Mountain contour path again, but a short route. It doesn’t have to be 12km. We could go up under the Cable Car, turn left towards Platteklip gorge, walk for a bit  and then walk down to Table Mountain Rd. Nice one to go on with Julian.

Got my steps for yesterday and today.

Proverbs 3:5-6 are well known. The verses that follow Proverbs 3:7-8

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health your body and nourishment to your bones.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂







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Raiku to the Vet


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I took Raiku to the vet. For a 10am appointment, I needed to start trying to find him at about 9am. Calling from the balcony, within minutes he was meowing in excitement at the hope of snacks. I closed him inside and at 9.45am loaded him into the cat box and off we went. He didn’t look very happy.

But he was a champ.

I bought him special snacks. He came home, had some and then went to sleep. I think he had a 4 in one jab that made him sleepy. After a few hours he was up and about again and raring to go.

Mike, Courage  & Hardlife worked hard today to get to the point where the site office frame is now complete. I was going to post all the photos but have decided to only post those on Wednesday after Julian arrives.

Today we did no exercise, although Mike did spend the day supervising the site office. No exercise because tomorrow we go hiking. We are looking forward to it.

It’s the end of a busy but productive week. I got all my appointments finalised, had a hair cut and got Raiku to the vet. Also worked a full 40+ hours.  January 2025 is in full swing. Onwards and upwards.

I was struck by this verse this morning. This is what Jesus does…

Matthew 8:17
He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Procrastination be Gone!


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I made a bunch of medical appointments for this year.

  • The Vet – that’s tomorrow – medical appointment for the 5.35kg cat!Then there’s the…
  • The Dentist
  • The Podiatrist
  • The Gynae

All that’s left is for a Mammo and Bone Density scan & to book that I need to wait for Riana as we go together. I’m feeling relieved that I’ve finally got these appointments booked.

Today we were back at the beach. It was one of the best swimming days ever flat and warm water.

I swam out to the barrel – well just beyond it and then, because the water was so flat, I decided to head for the lighthouse. I am confident there are no great white sharks in the bay. I am also confident the fishermen on the mountainside are keeping an eye out for shoals and if they saw a shark, they would alert the beach fishermen who would raise the alarm.

I really enjoyed it, even though I’m so slow! To get fitter, I need to swim further and longer.

Home for breakfast & work. Guests shipped out. More arrive tomorrow.

There was more building of the ablution block at the back, but I’ll write more about that tomorrow. After work, we needed milk, so I offered to drive down to pick up a few things. When I got to the street, I had my backpack and decided to walk instead of drive. I got half way down when I realised how late it was. I picked up the pace, got the shopping and left Pick n Pay at 4.45pm. I walked home as fast as I could and literally walked in the door at 5pm! I certainly got all my steps today.

It’s a lovely cool evening with some light drizzle.

Matthew 7:24
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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3500 Steps


Dear Elsie

Today was a bit of a fail in the exercise department. I’ve got to 6pm and only done 3500 steps.

When we woke up this morning, I felt tired, so decided not to go galloping down to the beach, swimming and walking. Instead I sat at my desk and worked. I have a bunch of appointments to make including making an appointment with the dentist to have a broken tooth fixed. It’s not sore, just broken. I did make an appointment for Raiku to see the vet. That’s happening on Friday. He’s 3 months late for his annual shots. I also dashed out at lunchtime to have a much needed haircut which will make post-swim hair easier to manage. Things did get done today. I worked for almost 8 hours on top of the hair cut. Gareth arrived in the loft and Mike ordered what is required for the building site loo. Holes for poles.

View from the other side of the plot. Not too shabby. We could braai here.

So apart from no exercise at all, twas a productive day.

Today my Bible reading was from Matthew 6

Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Mark Twain said, “worrying is like paying a debt you do not owe” .

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Mountain Nicely Cut


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we were just walking out the door when we saw the firebreak team appear out the back. They used the back plot to get from one side of the firebreak to the other.  They moved on and we went off to the beach. The sea is super warm at the moment. Swimming is a pleasure.

There were many bluebottles on the sand and I passed a couple in the water but didn’t make contact! Their tentacles in the water can result in a painful sting.

Back home and the buzzing of the mowers echoed through the area. One lady just along the firebreak was very concerned her fynbos would be mowed. She is a plot on the firebreak. The team had been instructed to follow the line of the old firebreak and it means going through her land. There were some words exchanged. The team need to get permission to change the line. It’s a bit crazy because houses are going to go up on the firebreak. Anyway, the outcome was the mountain was nicely cut.

At least we have a little more protection if a fire came down the mountain.  It’s not an impossibility. In March when I climbed up the mountain in search of Claw’d, I found signs of fire.

I’ve just been scrolling through FB and found a question about things to do in Cape Town for a family of 4 including for two girls aged 9 & 11. I did some googling and found some really cool places for you to go in a couple of years, Elsie!

  • Hout Bay has a Zipline
  •  Acrobranch in Constantianek (Obstacle course – with ziplines, cargo nets and elevated platforms)
  • World of Birds and Monkey Park in Hout Bay
  • Electric scooters in Sea Point
  • Green Point park which is a great place to spend an hour or two.
  •  Scootours non motorised scooters two hour tour
  • Total Ninja indoor play park
  • Rush Extreme Sports Park
  • Rock climbing at CityRock
  • Cool Runnings for tobogganing

A good list to keep.

Another beautiful windless day comes to an end. It’s the 7th and I’m thinking of Julian’s sweet friend Shel who passed away on this day 10 years ago. How time flies.

Psalm 7:10
My shield is God Most High, who saves the upright in heart.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Daily Goals


Dear Elsie

Today as we started the new working year in earnest, I thought of my daily goals. They are not really new, but they are ongoing.

  1. Read through the Bible in a  year. I’m still using the Bible Julian found for me. It’s divided into 365 days of Bible readings. Each day has Old & New Testament reading, Psalm and Proverbs.

Normally, I’m out of bed somewhere between 5 & 6am, make a cappuccino for Mike and a flat white for me.  I sit in my rocking chair and that’s where I drink my coffee and do my Bible reading.

2. Pray.

3. Exercise – this usually means either walking to the beach for a 30 minute swim or going on a 5 or 6km walk, depending on if the wind is blowing or not. Over the weekend, it may be walking on the mountain. We so enjoyed the walk over the Glencairn saddle with Julian and Gerrie the other day. Getting 10000 steps is part of this. If I swim for 30 minutes, I need to do an additional walk sometime during the day to get my steps.  It’s beautiful weather this week, so swimming is it.

4. Work – Monday to Friday – 6-8 hours – meet work goals.

5. Write this blog!

6. Have some down time each day. This usually means after work, after dinner, before bedtime.

While these are goals, they have become daily habits.

On the home front, I took two photos today that made me happy. This is David going up the stairs. For at least half the stairs, he was going my speed. The fact that he is not using the hand rail is huge.

I think he was going so fast at this spot because he was trying to catch up with Raiku who is  visible a few steps higher.

The second thing that made me happy is (finally) the contractors for the city came to cut the firebreak behind.

1,2,3,4,5 are done. Time for 6!

Matthew 5:43-44
You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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