Overlooking Flaws

This is a rare ‘middle of the night’ blog. It’s been a hot night in Cape Town and with the down duvet still on our bed, I was overheating so threw it off, only to be terrorized by the irritating sound of summer’s first mosquito. I am the one in the house that mozzies love.  It was too late. I found the raised bump on the inside of my right wrist. Darn mosquito.

I gave up trying to sleep and decided to get up and do something useful. I went and cleaned the kitchen! Ha! Win! As I was doing the few dishes and cleaning the surfaces, a recurring thought came to mind.

I am deeply flawed.

The other day, Mike & I were at the golf course and at the end of the round, I was asked by one of the people we were playing with why I don’t play golf myself. I am asked this quite often. The truth be told, I really don’t want to play. I love following Mike around the course. When his drive is fabulous, I get a kick out of it. It’s great to watch him sink a putt. I get to rejoice with him. After explaining this, the next unexpected question came, “how long have you been married?” I said “29 years” – “Oh wow,” the golfer replied, “because you are still so lovey dovey!”

As we drove away that day, I pondered again what makes a marriage happy. I settled with the reminder that Mike has overlooked my flaws.

I am grateful!

You never know what goes on behind the closed doors of others homes and hearts.

We are all unique, needy individuals who desire love and acceptance.

We need to say “I love you” more.

We need to appreciate each other more.

Between drying up and putting dishes away, with the meowing of the cat in the background another thought came to mind. A good 3am thought,

Philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

So with an early start to a busy week, I laid my anxieties and flaws before the Lord.

If anyone has needed rescuing in the past, it’s me. God is the Master Rescuer.

I skipped back up the stairs, fist-pumping the fact that the kitchen is clean! Now it’s 4am. With my night activities, Mike has woken. He was reading but has just turned the light out.

I too can go back to sleep – hopefully the mozzie has had enough!


Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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