Our April Fool’s Joke


Today was …

April Fool’s Day!

I’m never comfortable playing April Fool’s pranks because I don’t like lying and lying is always involved. Today it was very short lived and gave us a good laugh. I sent David a whatsapp message. David often goes running and swimming at spots beyond Simon’s Town.

I was very forgiving..

He came up to my office where Julian was having a little laugh because after all it was largely his idea! David was indignant. A R1500 fine is no laughing matter. Julian had truly thought he would have picked up on it. But David was sunk. “Let me see it,” he said. I had hardly any time to do anything, so I quickly pulled notepad up on my laptop and said, “there…” He leaned forward….

That was when he laughed, hit Julian with a cushion and was thrilled that there was no R1500 fine after all! I also got caught today. Expat Explore sent an amazing travel email as they often do, but this one was for a Round the World trip. Imagine that. I thought they were brave because with Covid and all it’s tricky. Launching April 1 should have been a clue. 80 days Around the World! 

Wow! Imagine that? Sounds amazing? It then said, click for details…and this was the result…

Haha, that was a good one.

I worked about 5 hours today and now have put my auto response on for my email. I may do some work on Monday but pretty much, I’m off until Tuesday.

John 14:27

I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart.

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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