Nothing is Ever Perfect


Dear Elsie

Today was a beautiful summery day with not too much wind and lots of whale activity in the sea. I’ve learned the ones I thought were orcas are probably Bryde’s whales. That’s what I was told on my evening walk to the end of the road. It was the second walk I did. The first was at lunchtime, when I turned my work clock off and went for a walk around Hillside and Highway. Now that we have been to see the flowers, I’m seeing the same kind of wild flowers all over the place….just in random spots along the roadside.

Such a happy bunch…

Beautiful day in Fish Hoek…

As I walk, I often look up at the houses and imagine the view from their windows. The mountainside houses all come with special views of hills and sea. But nothing is ever perfect. There are often obstacles that obstruct windows – massive tall trees like the one in the photo above, block out sunshine or part of the view. I tried to think of the perfect place to live – right opposite the ocean and the first place that popped into my head was Misty Cliffs. The houses on the sea side of the mountain have amazing views and the sea is right there. It’s just steps from their front door. But nothing is every perfect – it’s not the sea I’d want to swim in – it’s the cold side. So then I thought about being below Simon’s Town golf course – that’s the warm side. Houses there have unobstructed views of the water. Surely those are perfect. But then I thought of how far it is from town and how many tourists there are. Nothing is perfect this side of eternity  – there’s always a compromise.

When I got home, I put my sunglasses down on the shell basket and as I did so, I noticed a shell with writing inside. I’d never noticed it before. I concluded Julian must have picked it up at a charity shop and left it in the basket. I read the message – an African proverb.

Contentment certainly is something to strive for.

Hebrews 13:5
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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