I can’t really say ‘No Blog!’ now, can I?! By the time I got home from Bible study, I still hadn’t taken any photos. I forgot to leave Mavis her payment for the week, so I dashed home from Bible study to catch her before she left, and so didn’t have time to stop for something for dinner. By then it was after 2pm and being Friday, my bed beckoned my name in such sweet tones that I happily obliged and I had a snooze. So now I have got to after 3 and there is no dinner, no photos & no blog! Seems as if I’m joining the masses…
🙂 But the family do have to eat…I know Granny and David won’t mind this…
Mike & I on the other hand will need something a bit healthier!
Right now, I’m off to make tea for Granny and scratch through the fridge. Have a fabulous weekend!
You’ve got to love the internet.
In His Grip,
Love Helga xx 🙂
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