New Hot Water Cylinder


Dear Elsie

Today was the day a new hot water cylinder was installed at our old house. It was quite a mission but it was done.

This blog serves the purpose of knowing the date these things are done. The old cylinder has has a long career of heating water. We well remember when the last one blew. It was the night of David’s 21st birthday party on 3rd March 2012. David Beretta was in the middle of his speech for David. The setting was the back garden. Lots of guests were sitting on the side patio when suddenly water started streaming off the roof, cascading down & splashing onto Roy who was the poor recipient of the shower. I remember something else about that evening. It was Granny, old and a little confused she kept tut-tutting about all these people ‘arriving so late!’ I actually found the blog for David’s 21st! – It’s here. It was a happy evening. Stacey didn’t want a party when she turned 21 – we went to Seaforth Restaurant. I hadn’t started blogging in 2008.

The current hot water cylinder has been repaired a number of times. Today, Mike and Courage, discovered that (despite being empty), it was very very heavy, so they needed to muster the forces. They found help in Josh (Sue’s son)  and he and Mike lifted one side, while Courage lifted the other.  This all taking place on the roof of course. They lifted it onto an old expanding security gate which had been partially opened and laid flat. (Pregnant) Hannah stood on the security gate so it wouldn’t move. Once the cylinder had been lowered onto the gate, Hannah stepped off and supervised the 3 guys while they pushed the old geyser off the gate and off the roof. It rolled down fast and furiously fell onto the grass with an enormous thud, followed by a cheer from the crowd. It then rolled across the lawn until it got to the wall where it stopped. I wasn’t there, but apparently it was quite fun to watch!

The new one was put in place, rigged up & Hannah and Ryan should enjoy hot water tonight.

Mike came home exhausted. It had taken the whole day. He’s 74 and still clambering around on a roof. I’m so glad he has Courage to take some of the heavy work.

While all this was happening, I was home with the doors wide open, working.  I did cast my eye out to sea a few times and saw a whale in the distance.

I got my exercise this evening, walking to the shops for some shopping. I went down via the cat walk…

& back via Daisy Lane…

The days are getting shorter. It’s a beautiful evening. End of a profitable day.

Solomon never minced his words…

Proverbs 11:4
Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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