Naughty Cat


Dear Elsie

Today was the day Raiku was very naughty.  He was cross with me because I had put Bravecto on him to prevent him getting covered in ticks and fleas from the mountainside. He objected in no uncertain terms. He refused to sleep in his bed last night, and even wouldn’t sleep in our bedroom.  He was very annoyed that I could have done such a thing. This morning at 6am, I let him out and he didn’t return for almost 8 hours. By lunchtime, I was worrying. I saw him across the road the other day, so I messaged that neighbour who said he had checked his garden and driveway camera and there was no sign. I went for a walk to the end of the road and then walked past our house again checking over other fences. By the time I had got to the start of the street, Mike called. He was home. Very thirsty. Very hungry. I think all is forgiven.

I got a photo of the moon last night. It rose at 9.51pm. It looked absolutely stunning coming up over the mountain. My cell phone photo doesn’t do it justice..

The sun is rising much earlier now and is also heading east. This was 7.23am

I worked the morning and had some frustrations with a super slow server. After my lunchtime walk absolutely no one from the office was online so it went a little faster. There is a massive migration to a new server underway and it was (yesterday) 90% done, so hopefully by Monday our slow woes will be over.

We took an evening walk and found where the access point is to Joti’s cabin. A narrow, circuitous path up the mountain.

We followed it and saw the latest progress….

2 years to get planning permission for what essentially is a 24 m2 Wendy House. Crazy days. Maybe there is more to come.

Concurrently with Job, I’m reading 1 Corinthians and this fits in very well with what I write every single day.

1 Corinthians 15:19
If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men.

Yup – this is not all there is.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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