Dear Elsie
In the quest to get all the required documents for future generations, this is one of the ones required – my parent’s (your great-grand parents) original marriage certificate. They married in Toronto, Canada on 13th October 1956, so it was to the Ontario government I appealed for help in getting the original. After a month it was found and I had it posted to the UK – today it arrived!
There is information on this I never knew before. I never knew my parents said they were Roman Catholic. I never knew my grandfather’s name on my Mom’s side – Thomas Francis Davies. I never knew my grandmother on my Mom’s side as any other name as Mops – she was Ann Calder Hughes. It was really strange to see my parent’s handwriting from the pen of their 24 year old selves. It is as I remembered it as I grew up. It was witnessed by my Mom’s brother and his wife and it seems that’s where my Mom was staying. A real piece of history.
Today I went to the beach on my own – Mike needed to rest his running legs. I had a lovely 30 minute dip and came home to work. I worked for nearly 8 hours. Julian and I walked and part of it was up Highway.
Wide-angle lens view from Highway.
Home for dinner and now we are winding down.
Psalm 57:1b
I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.
It’s not about now – we are only passing through.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Gran xx 🙂