My Angels


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I got my angels!  Probably about a month or so ago, I spotted 2 concrete angles in Cyril’s in Fish Hoek. I just wanted the angels but as they each came with a largish plinth, I decided not to buy them. Every time I went in, I saw they were still there and they were still there on Saturday. When I mentioned them to Julian, he decided angels for my birthday were a good idea so off he went today and bought them. Courage had to lug them up the 85 steps, but now they are happily installed at our front door, plinths and all. This is the right side of the front door…

And this is the left…

I love them! Thank you Julian. Future generations may stumble upon this post and learn they arrived today Monday 30th September 2024! Everything has history.

Julian also picked up my child’s chair which I saw the other day and loved. It will be great for when children are visiting. It’s meranti.

Couldn’t make that for R300!

After work we walked to the end of the beach and back. There were some big waves.

Apparently the surf is expected to be very big tomorrow. Talking of tomorrow – it’s an exciting day for us. I’ve taken the day off work and we are heading for the hills. Hopefully, there will be some interesting pics to share on tomorrow’s blog!

Today I finished the book of Isaiah. This is from the second last chapter.

Isaiah 65:17
See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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