Morning Gorgeous

A friend is cleaning out her home and often-times I am the happy recipient of hand-me-downs. Truly I’m not looking for extra stuff – I too am trying to reduce the contents of  my home rather than add to them, but when I was offered this mug, I could not resist it…

Morning Gorgeous

It wears its hearts on its sleeve…and is just such a happy mug…

Hearts on the handle

This blog is about treating yourself kindly!  I know that most of the people that read my blog are women and being hard on oneself is a typical thing for us girls to do. We live under a canopy of guilt and blame. If anything goes wrong in our world, we seem to think it was our fault. It’s time to be a little kinder on yourself.

I have great pleasure in making myself a hot drink in my “morning gorgeous” mug. It adds positive value to my life. I love it because I have embraced it as mine. It wasn’t given to me by my husband – it was a hand-me-down – it wasn’t wanted any more. Perfect condition, yet unwanted. Every day it sends me a warm, hearty message.

You may feel in perfect condition, yet unwanted. Don’t let that stop you from sending a happy message to those around you.

Mike doesn’t bring me tea in my mug. I bring me tea in it and I drink it with this re-enforced thought going through my mind, “I am gorgeous!” So psychological how we think of ourselves. Everyone should have a “morning gorgeous” mug and even if you don’t, you can have a ‘morning gorgeous” thought. Remind yourself of your value.

Jesus said, (Matthew 10:31)
“Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”

You are fearfully and wonderfully made

Psalm 139:14
“I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well.”

“Perfect condition, yet unwanted” – no longer. I snapped up the mug. To me it is a treasure, not because of its outward appearance – I prefer wider and shorter – but because of its message.

“Morning Gorgeous”.

Treat yourself kindly.

God does.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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