Mike the Stonemason


Today was the day…

Mike, Julian and I moved some rocks and Mike worked on the wall. Our rock moving was done in the broad sunlight, which wasn’t ideal so only lasted just under an hour. However, we did come back in the cool of the day (now) and this is my unusual blog view. I’m sitting outside the basement door….just above the newly built wall in the picture…

There is a lot of landscaping to go…

Mike and Courage have been working on the entrance to the basement. This room has so much potential as a holiday rental. The basement has a little sea view…

The problem is that the front doors of all the entrances face full north-west, which means when the inclement weather comes, it blows directly into the basement door and in heavy rain, into the basement. The entrance needs a little porch to protect it from the weather. Stone boundary walls are being built with retaining walls as well. Mike has become a stone mason…here he is working on a patch of the boundary wall. He and Courage have been working together. Mike is getting some exercise while Courage is off for Easter.

It’s labour intensive work, but at least we have all the rocks we need! Mike didn’t spend the whole day working on the wall. We went to the beach at around 8am.

And came home mid-morning.

Breakfast, rock  moving, cappuccino, laundry. Mike read his book. I visited Julian upstairs and then did some housework.

In the afternoon, Julian and I went looking at furniture to try furnish the basement and to find a final chair for the cottage. We were not successful with the furniture but we did buy a couple of lamps and rugs.

Now I’m home and sitting keeping Mike company while he chisels rock. It’s getting a little chilly and time for me to pack up and go inside. Next stop, dinner preparation and an evening at rest.

Proverbs 15:13

A happy heart makes the face cheerful.

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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