Mike Shaved off His Moustache


Dear Elsie,

Today was the day we had a lovely breakfast together at the Hot Springs. Then, we went outside so you could use up some energy before the drive home. We went past the beautiful pool,

Where we saw an Egyptian goose enjoying the water…

You were already trying out the rope swing…

Then we played follow my leader with you being the leader…

It was soon time to say good bye. Warm hugs and then we were given a lift in the golf cart to our car…(last photo with moustache!)

Such a lovely couple of nights. When we got home, Mike went to have a hair cut. He came home looking like this…

No more moustache that he’s had for 40 years! We had discussed it for many months and decided that our anniversary would be a good time to see it gone. It was still up in the air if he would shave it off tomorrow. I did get a surprise when he walked back in from his haircut without it. Welcome to the world of the clean shaven! He feels very strange without it. He’s got to get used to it.  We didn’t tell David so when he came up for dinner we were interested to see his reaction. He could not believe it! “Whaaaat! No ways!” You can just imagine him saying it.

Stacey, David and Julian all agree he looks younger. And his bank facial recognition, surprisingly still works. That’s how long we have been talking about it. He didn’t want to do it before our April holiday because of the facial recognition. I guess they use more in-depth criteria that doesn’t include bushy moustaches. What’s really interesting is, like me, half his face resembles one parent and the other half the other. He’s got his Mom’s shape mouth and his Dad’s upper face/ eyes. My mouth/jaw is from my Dad. My eyes are hazel like my Mom’s.

38 years tomorrow – couldn’t have wished for a better husband.

1 Corinthians 4:2
Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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