Mike in his Workshop


Dear Elsie

Today was the day a strong black south-easter blew and a cold front started to make landfall. I got dressed up warmly in the long jersey I bought in Milan. Julian will remember the event. Mike was absolutely determined that I would buy some item of clothing while in the fashion centre of the world. This is completely contrary to my personality type, but eventually to please him and so we could move on with the day, I bought this lovely winter jersey – full disclosure: made in China, bought in Milan.

It is warm though. This photo was taken on my cell phone using a timer. It was a tricky business because the phone was balanced on the door handle of my balcony door! In the background on the bed – the strip of red – is the first finished strip of the knitting project. This knitting project has just gone from most likely only to be finished next year to good potential of being finished this year, because Stacey bought red wool today and she is joining me in knitting it. That’s a huge help! I’m onto the second strip. Mike was not around to take the photo because he was in his workshop. Under the house which once looked like this…

Now looks like this. This is at the entrance. The wood (and wheelbarrow) is stored on roughly hewn terraced rock shelves.

It opens up to literally Mike’s man cave.

Mike loves wood.

He’s been working on a couple of projects. One was getting the curve of Julian’s back wall right.

And the other are the doors to the courtyard at our front entrance. I am super excited about these….

They will go in this space…

I was reminded this morning of what was going down on the plot 4 years ago. May 2019 the piling was being done. What’s interesting is the telephone pole you can see on the top right of this photo, is also in front of the gabion baskets in the photo above. How far we have come.

From Gabion baskets with the telephone pole still there.

Just amazing how time passes.  I’m feeling humbled looking at these photos. We never imagined living in a home like this, that’s for sure.

I worked for 6 hours and now I’m going to settle down into my rocking chair and knit some more.

Psalm 119:31

I hold fast to Your statutes, Lord; do not let me be put to shame.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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