Mike Had Covid


Dear Elsie

Unexpected news today – Granpa had Covid!

Last Thursday when we went to our final visit of the Sisonki trial, they did a Covid test on us both and Mike’s test was positive. That was last Thursday and we only got the call today. He’s been fine, although, when we think back, when we were in PE, he felt a bit off colour. He thought it was the burger he had for lunch but maybe it was the lurgy. What an unexpected result.  Hopefully by now he’s negative.

It was a beautiful cool windless morning, but instead of going to the beach, we went for an hour long walk. This took us down Highway onto Hillside, up Ravine Steps, over Highway, up more of Ravine steps, up onto the mountain, along Berg to the shark spotters hut. Here we met the fishermen shoal spotters. I told them I sometimes swim and am always happier when I see their bakkie up on the mountainside because I know they are watching out. They said when they are up there, I can know I am safe! They are looking out for shoals and if they see a shark, they alert the fishermen on the beach. I told them I was once in the sea when they saw two sharks come into the bay & they alerted the fishermen who got all the swimmers out the water. The sharks were ‘only’ bronze whalers – not that scary, but you don’t take a chance. I had the opportunity of thanking them. Then we went home and I worked for 8 hours. In between, Julian returned to Johannesburg and new guests came into the cottage.

After work I planned on walking to Fish Hoek to buy Covid tests so I could test David to see if he was positive. I dropped battery operated lights off at the cottage on the way and had a chat to the guests. That took more time than I had. By the time I was on my way down to Warren’s Pharmacy,  it was gone 5:45pm & they close at 6pm. I had to run as fast as I could. I arrived puffing and panting, red faced and exhausted, but with 4 minutes to spare. I walked home very slowly. And I got to stop and admire a beautiful evening at Fish Hoek beach. Perfect light.

I got home, tested David and it was negative. Very pleased about that. We had dinner, watched some TV and here I am at the end of Tuesday 21st February, having hardly had a down moment since I woke up before 6am this morning. It’s time for me to hit the hay!

Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xxx 🙂


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