Dear Elsie
Today was the day Julian’s friends Mike and Holly arrived for 8 nights. Mike is originally from Durban. Holly is American. They live in Florida.
They came in the afternoon and I went to the airport to collect them. We stopped for some shopping on the way home and then went to Bluewater Cafe at Imhoff for dinner.
When rain was threatened, we went inside and had dinner under cover. Another lovely meal.
Home now and there is a party going on across the road, so there are cars e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. No noise, just no parking. The neighbours have been informed that all the cars that are on our kerb, off our kerb, around our kerb are not all ours. Hopefully, no rude notes will be written!
Meanwhile, up in Johannesburg, David and Anna are enjoying themselves. Breakfast…
Out and about…
This photo below was a short while ago. A picture of domesticity in the Naude household.
This morning, guests left and I did some cleaning, while Mike went and test drove more cars! I had a peaceful time before heading for the airport. Just a piece of useless trivia -it’s the only night there has ever been where there are 3 Mikes on the property. Mike and Holly, Mike and me and there is an Airbnb guest called Mike, who leaves tomorrow.
Luke 5:16
Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
It’s not about now – we are only passing through.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Gran xx 🙂