Lost in Plain Sight

This is something I say quite often when I’m on the golf course. Caddying for Mike, I spend time following his little yellow golf ball. I need to watch it fly off his club and follow its trajectory to where it lands. Problem is my eyes are not as young as they used to be and quite often I lose sight of it. I can see the direction in which it went, but sometimes I don’t see it land. Other times I do. With confidence I tell him it’s by such and such a tree, or just left of the path or by the second shadow on the fairway, only to arrive at that point and the ball is no where to be found. My depth perception is lacking and the ball is either far further or far closer than I anticipated.

I know I am not alone. There have been times when we are playing and there is no one else on the course and I find a ball. It’s right there before me, lost in plain sight. The person who struck this one, couldn’t find it. They thought it had gone further or shorter or left or right or into the water or into the bushes. There are so many options. But it landed here. Lost in plain sight.

Golf ball on the grass

Sometimes I marvel at how it could have been missed.

The owner lost it, but it did get found!

Today, I started reading the book of Ruth in the Old Testament. Ruth was lost in plain sight. She was found too and went on to be the blood line of David and indeed Jesus Christ. Today, I also read John 4, where the story is recounted of the Samaritan woman. Another Biblical character lost in plain sight. Jesus knew she was lost and engaged with her at the well. It was so not politically correct for Him to do so. But since when was Jesus politically correct? He came for those of us who are lost in plain sight. With His disciples off to town to buy food, He had some time to speak to this unnamed Samaritan woman. Those moments changed her life. When the disciples of Jesus returned, she left, racing back to town and telling people, ‘Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did.” (vs29)

Their curiosity got the better of them and they went to find out more. Many of the Samaritans from that time believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony. (vs 39).

The verse that struck me as the most exciting,

John 4:42

“They said to the woman, ‘We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves and we know that this man really is the Saviour of the world.’ “

Jesus came to save those lost in plain sight.

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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