Last Day of June Swim


Dear Elsie

Today was a lovely Sunday. We went for a walk to Fish Hoek to pick up some groceries. The beach looked so beautiful.

Paddlers were busy with time trials.

Shopping done, we came home and not long after, I decided to go back to the beach for a swim. I swam from the cat walk to the little lighthouse and back. The water was about 15C, so it was not too cold. I’ve lost my swimming fitness, but I enjoyed it.

After the swim, I had a chat with Margaret, one of the locals and then on the way home, a couple of the neighbours were on the street for a chat. They have just had their facebrick house painted and it looks so  much better.

When I got home, Mike told me my childhood friend Debbie had called.  After lunch, I phoned her back and we had a lovely chat. She swims a lot these days, visiting her gym in the UK at 6am and doing 80-100 laps. She’s a really good swimmer. We had a nice catch up. I’ll probably speak to her again in September when it’s her birthday. I also had a chat with her Mom, Pat who is now 89. She couldn’t get her head around what I looked like. The last time I saw her was about 40 years ago. I showed her the sea view and she was in awe. We could not afford this view in the UK.

Tomorrow is a new month.

Acts 20:32
I commit you to God and to the word of His grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance…

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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