

Landscaping sounds so much better than tossing rocks. Today I rested. We woke late and didn’t go to the site this morning, choosing to have a break and go this afternoon. In between Courage came and we now have scaffolding in the piano room. This room was last painted about 20 years ago. The blue cloth is covering the piano.

Courage is doing a great job. He should finish by Friday. Our bedroom also  needs painting, but I think that can wait for January.

Work was good.

At just after 4pm Courage left. Mike and I got into our ‘rock’ clothes and headed off down to the site. This is hard work. It’s physical manual labour. It’s dirty and dusty. It’s back breaking. The thing that stuns me the most is that I can do it and because I can do it, I enjoy it. We uncovered another few steps. Mike created a sort of retaining wall which made it easier as we didn’t have to take so many rocks over the building to the hole. There were some mammoth rocks. One in particular. It was on one of the steps. It is now off the steps.

A 68-year-old and a 55-year-old may or may not have had something to do with it landing on the neighbour’s fence. This is a good team-building exercise. The weather was nice and cool and then  there was a spot of rain. Yay for the rain. Suddenly it poured down and we scuttled to take cover. It quickly passed so we got back to work.

Eventually, we had enough and went home. I looked at my watch. We had been ‘landscaping’ for two hours.

I’ll sleep well tonight.

This is the result of today’s work…

Psalm 107:1

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


It’s taken two years of getting fit to be able to spend two hours moving rocks.


1 year and 35 days

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