Just Another Busy Monday


Dear Elsie

Whew! Today was just another busy Monday. I did get news that you are doing so well at school and the teacher only had good things to say about you. Keep going! Also we are waiting for your cousin Alexander to make an appearance. It’s any day now.

Work consumed most of the day although I did get out early for my walk. I have been measuring different routes. Today I walked Highway and came back all of Hillside. To get 5km, I needed to walk to the end of my road which ended up close to 5.5km. This is the view from Hillside with the DRC church steeple.

When I arrived home, Mike was finishing dressing for the day when Raiku walked past. He tossed his socks onto Raiku’s back. Ginger Ninja didn’t seem to notice and went to have some breakfast.

He figured something was off, but left the socks there until they finally fell off one by one.

I’m trying to figure out the difference between the whales we see in False Bay and today I learned something. The noisy ones which are very active, breaching and lob-tailing, grunting and playing are humpback whales. At least I know that now. The ones that are very big with callosities behind their blowholes no dorsal fin – those are Southern Right whales. They have V-shaped blows, are black or dark in colour. The ones that have a porpoise action are either going to be Orcas or Brydes whales. Next time I see a whale dancing in the sea, I’ll know it’s a humpback. When I see a massive one glide by, it’s a Southern Right. So much to learn.

End of Monday.

I’m in Galatians now.

Galatians 2:20
The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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