Interesting Moment


Dear Elsie

Today was a busy day with a few interesting moments. When we moved into this house, we quickly learned a few rules – never go upstairs empty handed. This rule we tell the guests. The stairs are long, rugged & uneven. There are about 60 of them to the Seaview Apartment and 85 to us.

The inclination of the guests is to first see the apartment and then go get their luggage, but with 60 steps up the hill, you never go empty handed. Then, take care not to leave anything essential in the car ie cell phone, reading glasses, milk. After 4 years we have become good at keeping these rules.

Today, after work, tired and hungry, I set off down the stairs to drive to the shops for some milk. I got in the car and tried to turn it on, but it threw out a message saying to put the fob on the ignition. I went to do that and realised I’d picked up the wrong keys! I sat there for a moment. Groan! David had come home and Mike had met him at our old house where they parked the big car in the garage. Q3 keys were put on one of the key hooks. I had picked up the first keys I saw and didn’t think twice.  When it happens, there’s nothing to be done except claim more exercise and head back up the 85 steps, which I did. I took advantage of the extra trip to bring down the rubbish for tomorrow is bin day. When I opened the bin to put in our rubbish – maggots! Eww. The neighbours use the bin cleaning team so tomorrow when I hear that machine come on, I’ll rush downstairs with R50 & ask them to wash ours.

Courage hasn’t been at work since Tuesday. He twisted his ankle (pretty much like I did in Copenhagen) and can’t put too much pressure on it. It’s not broken, just swollen and sore. Mine took about 3 days before I could start walking normally. He’s been booked off until Monday. Meantime, Ruth came to clean. The Loft guest moved into the Little Lookout. The Loft was cleaned and the guest arrives (hopefully) not later than 11.30pm tonight.

This morning, I jogged my 4.3km route and did a better time than last.  Maybe tomorrow, I’ll swim.

Another important milestone this week: our ‘as built’ plans go to Council. Finally! 🥳

One of my favourite Psalms today.

Psalm 19:1-2
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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