I Pretended…


Dear Elsie

Today was the day you felt a bit better – not back at school yet but certainly on the mend and your Mom sent me a photo of you tying your shoes. Well done!

That’s good for a just-turned-5-year-old!

For me,  I had a slow work day so I decided to go for a walk. As I set off I pretended I was somewhere else in the world (no specific place) but a place where you can do a lovely walk, hugging the coast and just lapping up its beauty. After all, it’s summer in England and winter in South Africa so all this sunshine should be pouring onto a different land.  These photos could be any little coastal village in the northern hemisphere. The fact they are Glencairn and Simon’s Town just makes us all the more blessed to live here!

Sweet subway…

And onto the beach path…

Beautiful tidal pool…

Walking through old gates…

More tidal pools…

And eventually back up to the road…

I had a lovely stroll back, but the highlight had to be when I saw some angry looking seagulls swooping on a nonchalant disinterested falcon (I think it was a falcon).

Eventually it was chased away and simply flew a little further along settling on another railway pylon.

Cell phone pics just don’t do it justice.

I came home nicely tired, but very grateful for a beautiful day and having the privilege to live in this neck of the woods.  It makes me wonder what weather we can expect tomorrow. Oh, I’ve just looked. 24C is the expected maximum. If my work day is slow, I need to go for another walk – maybe even a swim! Maybe tomorrow is the day for a swim.

The cats came home last evening and today they have been in and out as they please. Raiku can now jump off the balcony and somehow jump back up onto the balcony which he did today before enthusiastically running through the house and climbing out the study window. They have not gone far because there have been workers carrying stone and sand up the stairs and that has made the cats cautious.

Psalm 139:15

My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx

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