I Had The Sea To Myself


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I just about had the sea to myself. What a wonderful opportunity. The day was cool as it had rained overnight. We nearly didn’t go but, as the wind was not blowing, it was too good to pass up. We dressed warmly and headed for the beach. I don’t take my cell phone to the beach anymore, but this is pretty much what it looked like except there was still quite a lot of seaweed around this side of the beach.

Not as much seaweed as yesterday – not so mu(l)ch! The sea is self cleaning and spews the contents of any loose debris unceremoniously onto the beach. I picked my way through the kelp and into the water I went. By then, everyone was out and I spent 30 delightful  minutes swimming. The temperature was about 15C I think. The water was colder than the air temperature and it was about 16C. I was so amazed there was no one else. As I got out a few girls were having their 10 minute dip and a local, Andrew got in after that. It was so worth going and I was glad I did. With the wind picking up, I don’t think I’ll be going again until next week.

I also worked close to 8 hours.

Julian arrived today. Yay!

The Bible verse I post each day comes from my daily readings. As I read through the Bible, today I have got to Joshua. I cannot read Joshua 1:9 without remembering the very first time I encountered this famous verse. I was 16 and my Dad was teaching me to drive. My Dad used to memorise Scripture and to do so, he wrote out Bible verses & stuck them on the right side of the dashboard.  Joshua 1:9 was the appropriate verse when I was learning to drive. Unconfident new driver, nervous parent, I was driving up to a stop street and clearly approaching it a bit too fast for my Dad’s liking. He didn’t think I was going to stop, so he started urgently saying, “Stop! Stopppp!” I rammed on brakes and promptly stalled. I sat back in the seat and said,

“Be strong and courageous – do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

So facetious but my Dad would be happy that from that day to this, I’ve always remembered Joshua 1:9.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xxx 🙂

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