I Find Myself Praying for Marli


Marli, Henri, Rudi, Martin, Teresa. Names of the van Breda family,  that I call to mind today, yet three weeks ago, I’d never heard of them. Neither would I have been able to tell you there was a golf estate in Stellenbosch. Now, in multiple countries across the globe, the story of the van Breda family is being followed.  In a spectacular, ugly fashion the Stellenbosch murders have put the little university town on the world  map.

I don’t believe that it will be too long now before someone is taken into custody. I don’t know the truth, but it will come out.

I find myself praying for Marli.  This pretty, popular 16 year old – her life will never be the same.

Pic from Facebook

Pic from Facebook

This was not how it was supposed to be.

She is in hospital after the viscous attack. Yet, she has no family to comfort her. If she had been involved in a car accident and landed in hospital, her Mom would be by her side 24/7 – ensuring she received the best treatment…following her progress minute by minute… rallying support and prayer from family and friends.

But her Mom is dead.

While she will carry physical scars with her for the rest of her life, the emotional ones will be more difficult to heal. But in time, God can bring the depth of healing that will allow her to continue a healthy life.

This attack is from the pit of hell. There is no apparent motive. I can only imagine it was a result of  mental illness or a drug-fuelled rage. No human in his right mind could do such a thing. Satanic to the core, great evil has prevailed.

I am grateful that we, here on earth, can have hope in Jesus Christ. The Bible speaks about that hope. The Bible, the oldest, most long lasting book in the world, that pre-dates literature from any other religion, stands firm thousands of years after it was written.

1 Peter 1:3

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by His great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation,

Our earthly life may end, but because we believe in Jesus, we will continue to live after death.

It was Jesus, Himself who said, “whoever lives by believing in me will never die” (John 11:26)

It is not about here and now. It’s about heaven after we’ve breathed our last. That’s where real life begins.

The pain and heartache we suffer this side of eternity, one day, will be a thing of the past. We will be in another dimension, with no more pain, suffering or distaste to the evil and confusion that pervades this place.

Cling to God, with great expectation.

He will see you through.

In His Grip,


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