I Broke The Rule


A good while ago, after I had given in my notice to CCFm & I had told a few friends, I started getting some serious advice about staying at home. One friend in particular, was very concerned that I’d still be in bed at 9am! “Nah!” I said, “I’ll get up and get some work done early! I’m a morning person!” And that is pretty much as it has been UNTIL this morning! I got up at 5am, made Mike tea, he left for work, I had my quiet time and did my Bible reading. Then I turned the light off, curled up in bed and went back to sleep! 😀 I woke up at 20 to 9!! I couldn’t believe I’d done it! I phoned Mike at work to tell him that I’d broken the rule. He just roared with laughter and said “good for you!” I realise I have the potential to be lazy. The more you sleep, it seems, the tireder you get! I got up, got dressed, stripped the bed and did the washing. Then I edited another batch of Making Marriage Work tips and uploaded them to dropbox. I don’t know if they are being used, but maybe one day they will be.

The other thing I am doing today is cutting out all coffee and dairy. Just for today. Yesterday, by bedtime, I felt ‘coffee’ed out’ so I’m having a break. All I’ve had today is one of my favourite drinks for winter…

Hot water and lemonI generally only have 3 cups of coffee a day, 2 with caffeine and the final one after dinner without. But still having said that, it’s 10-34 and I’ve got a ‘caffeine-withdrawal’ headache! If I do this every Tuesday and Thursday, it will be interesting to see if I adjust. I don’t want to stop drinking coffee altogether. As much as I enjoy hot water and lemon, nothing beats a frothy cup of coffee on a cold winter’s morning and as you have seen from previous blogs, I can make ’em BIG!

Jo came to visit for tea and a chat. After she left, I got stuck into a basketful FULL of socks. I sorted them all out…

Odd socks…and some more…

More odd socksI was so happy to find some partners…

I matched pairsYay! I wonder if Mike will notice that he has about a dozen more PAIRS of socks in his cupboard!

Not everyone may notice what you do for them, but I can say for sure, God does. He sees it all. He sees the amazing life changing activities you do and He sees the little behind the scenes, seemingly insignificant things you do.

Job 28:24

   For He looks to the ends of the earth  and sees everything under the heavens.

…even Helga sorting socks. He looks, He sees, He cares.

God bless you today!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gratitude: Yippee! Empty washing baskets…they haven’t been like this for YEARS!

Empty washing baskets


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