So the time has come, now that I don’t have Granny to look after, to beat myself into shape. One of my Bible study friends is Melanie Wilson and she worked her backside off (pardon the pun) a couple of years ago to become a personal trainer. She has given a special price to Riana and I if we go to her together, so Thursdays at 1pm, we meet her at gym. She has planned a hard and sometimes gruelling workout for us…which she then gets us to implement.
Last week was ultra-hard. This week she had more mercy (on my particularly). Riana has been going to her for 18 months and has stomach muscles to show for it. She also has a much stronger core than I have. If I keep going, I will get there too! Riana, as you can see, really looks the part!
I’m not quite so balanced, but have fun trying…
We did a lot of upper body work yesterday and my arms are feeling a tad stiff today…
I’ve got to work on that stomach!!! Keep going Helga! ๐ย Mel is starting a Bootcamp session Monday and Wednesday at 1pm. It’s got a great rate, so if you are in Fish Hoek, Sun Valley, Noordhoek areaย (the gym is at Imhoff Farm) and would like to join, give Mel a call 0836260453.
That was yesterday at lunchtime. While with Riana, she persuaded me to try out the Noordhoek Market on every Thursday evening from 4pm. So when Mike got home, we had a cuppa tea and then off we went…
And the whole event really fun and vibey…no music is allowed, so there’s just a lot of mingling and eating and chatting. There’s lots of variety of food. Get there early is the trick. There’s lots of undercover seating…
There’s also seating outside on the grass which was where we sat with Riana, Peter and Oom Dennis…
We found this most amazing lady who sells sugar free cake…
….and they are delicious…
I had some of the “chocolate” made with carob. It was so delicious. Sweetened with maple sugar.
It really is a special venue…
…and it’s great for the whole community. Just a pity some Noordhoek folk are freaking out over it, saying it’s a commercial venture, while the farm is zoned agricultural. It’s a community event & it’s a great treat to visit!
Today, after the show, I went to Bible study and we all had a great time, tea, coffee, eats (which I get to provide next week!) and a good dose of Andy Stanley. Here are the ladies…can’t think what they were ALL laughing at…
This morning Andy Stanley spoke on Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11). One thing particularly jumped out at me. It’s verse 9 of John 11 where Jesus, almost strangely says, “Are there not 12 hours of daylight?” The disciples must have looked at him quite strangely. Jesus is referring to opportunity. The disciples didn’t want to go back to Judea with Him because the Jews were planning to stone Him. They didn’t want to go. It was if Jesus was saying, “You can stay here if you want to, but you may miss out on an opportunity.” There are 12 hours of daylight. Make the most of them! ๐
Guess what? My son-in-law and daughter are employing me to do some audio editting for them! I feel special!ย I had better get on with it, or else they may find someone else! It would not be good to be fired by your own daughter! Lol.
God bless you LOADS!
In His Grip,
Helga xx ๐