There were two main jobs today…apart from Rise and Shine that is…the first was to take my car in for a service & then to go & see Granny to wish her happy birthday. I got a lift with Aldron from Hyundai. He listens to CCFm & was tuned in…
He dropped me off at the Ladies Christian Home, where I met with Mike & we became the birthday brigade taking a cake from Monica, lighting a candle, singing Happy Birthday & blowing it out…
Then we took Granny down to the lounge, where Mike gave her a foot massage. ..
She responds well to Mike, seeming to recognise him more than I. We were going to take her out, but with the cold & the rain, we decided to abandon that plan. Old age is not for sissies…& their families have to be pretty tough as well!
As I looked at her today, the Bible verse that came to mind was once again…
Isaiah 46:4 ” Even to your old age and grey hairs, I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you & I will carry you.”
Great comfort.
Mike is now on leave & tomorrow we leave for three nights away 🙂
God Bless you loads.
In His Grip!
Helga xx 🙂