Foundations for the Foundations

That’s what’s busy happening at Echo Road. Mike and I went and hung out on the hill for a short while today, watching the quiet and orderly process take place. A few workers were throwing slabs for the piling. They were making foundations for the house foundations.

This is the bottom right slab…in the bottom right corner. It represents the front right corner of the house.

This next photo was taken 12 days ago on 14th March.

They have now got the slabs for the drilling all the way along the bottom level (three of them). They’ve done one in the middle section and are working on the 5th. They will have four to go, but the foreman said the surveyor will come back and double-check the position to make sure they are not in the wrong place.

Little snippet of video

We quizzed the foreman about how much noise the drilling was going to make. He said it varies. He told us of the difficult ones he had done and said this one ‘is not so bad!’ Glad he thinks so. We left them hard at work…

They should start the actual drilling next week. Meanwhile we’ve heard that Council needs us to sign off their plan, which has been done. We will wait for the what comes next. We are edging our way forward and hopefully will soon have news of scrutiny fees. That will be BIG news!

It was a nice little outing for Mike and I during a 9+ hour work day.  I got up early and started work at just after 5am. I worked for an hour and a bit before going to gym. It was a profitable day and I’m now going to go and watch Bull with Mike.

Galatians 1:15

Even before I was born, God chose me and called me by His marvellous grace.

Now that is something I have difficulty getting my head around. Before I was born, He had me in mind…and you.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip (since before you were born),

Helga xx 🙂


Cycled for a hour…on no coffee and an empty stomach. There was no more energy for anything further!


Day 133 which is divisible by 7. It’s 19 weeks.


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