For An Easier Life

I saw this quote the other day and it struck a chord of truth with me.

Accept the apology picture

Life is too short to walk around harbouring grudges and carrying burdens of bitterness.

Let it go.

Some people won’t apologise to you because they don’t know they have something to apologise for. They may have inadvertently hurt you – an unintentional comment that went right into your heart, yet they didn’t even realise it was hurtful. I’ve had that happen before.

Let it go.

Sometimes a person may say something that is designed to hurt you. They say it on purpose. It may have been a caustic comment borne out of jealously or an issue they are dealing with. They don’t want to apologise because they are glad they said what they said and they don’t want to take it back. These sad friends have deep pain themselves. Hurt people hurt people. Their greatest desire is to try and make you feel like they feel.

Let it go.

We grow up when we accept an apology that hasn’t been given. A close friend may say something silly, in jest and know they shouldn’t have. They also know they should have apologised, but they just couldn’t get the words out. An apology is humbling and it’s often hard to say those words. Accept them.

Let it go.

There may be people very close to you who have hurt you by default. Their bad choices have had repercussions that have reverberated through, not only you, but also your family. This may even be a parent – the very person God chose to give you life – may have done something foolish and the result is pain and a thread of bitterness that is toxic to your soul and happiness.

Let it go.

Most  people do the best that they can at the time.  The truth be told, none of us are perfect.

Luke 6:37

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”

These are the days.

Let the apology go.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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