Following my Flame Lily


When I went to the orthodontist on Tuesday 11th February, as I arrived, I noticed his wonderful flower bed of flame lilies!

After my appointment I asked Devika the receptionist if I could take a snippet. She got me a bit of newspaper and a cup and I took a tiny new shoot with a root and carefully took it home. A couple of days later, the one leaf started to die…

Now it’s more than a week later and the rest of it is hanging in there…with the little shoot in the middle beginning to open.

For so long I’ve wanted to try to get a flame lily growing in my garden. This one is the closest I’ve got yet.  😀

Today I have a very stiff neck. I took a pill and it felt a bit better. Hopefully, by tomorrow it will be back to normal. I did 8 + hours of work. Sitting at my desk all day doesn’t really help!

We haven’t been down to the site today. Mike has been hard at work on the ‘final’ plans and hopes to have them done by tomorrow. They are taking so long!

This morning James came and did the lawn so it’s looking much better. I also did the laundry. It feel I am catching up with chores. Shortly I’ll go for a little walk.

Romans 8:28 is always a good reminder

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.


These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


With my neck so sore today, I feel I’ve gone two steps forward and one step back. So frustrating.


1 year 98 days.

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