We’ve got 9 rooms to renovate. This was the first! I hope by the time we get to the 9th, we won’t have to go back to this one! It began like this….
Progressing to this….
With Mike doing a lot of the inside work…
And now it looks like this…
And from the outside looking in…
A lot of hard work, but very satisfying.
If we go through each of the 9 rooms and empty them as we emptied this one, we will achieve the greater simplicity of living that we are striving for. While we want to get our home straightened out, we live knowing this world is not our home. We will be moving on to a higher house! Just fancy this: in heaven, there will be no maintenance to be done!
Ha! That sounds fabulous!
John 14:2 – words of Jesus
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
I’m in!
Keep the smile going!
God bless you!
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂