Finding Ridiculous Joy In The Little Things

I know there is a need for world peace and for this reason I almost had to reprimandUsed 939 myself this morning for being so ridiculously excited over finding THREAD!  With my massive cross-stitch project growing bigger, I had run out of 939, so I put the wrapper in my back pocket and went to look for one.

On entering the little craft store at the Mall, I asked if they had thread and when I saw it all, I briefly scanned the rails for dark blue, picked off one that looked like it could be close and on checking the number, voila!

Yay Thread number 939I was so excited! Yes Brother!  I was excited about THREAD!

Finding ridiculous joy in the little things.

Thread doesn’t count for much in the big scheme of things – it never will, but it was a ‘yay’ moment that I enjoyed!

I had another bigger, more important ‘yay’ moment this morning.

Truffles had not come in for dinner last night and neither had she appeared for breakfast this morning. Now that was worrying. At 10pm last night we called for her, but she didn’t appear. Being a relatively warm night, we figured she had found a spot and was not to be disturbed. This morning, I didn’t see her in her usual place, so was a little concerned. After getting back from buying the thread it was mid morning. I called for her with no response. Then I looked out the kitchen window and there she was on what we call her hammock. It’s shade cloth that she hangs out on. I went to say hello to her… Hello Truffles….where have you been?

Truffles on her hammockShe greeted me and seemed quite pleased with the visit….

Hello TrufflesSo cute with her little tongue hanging out…

Truffles with her tongue hanging out

Cats. They are a law unto themselves!

Anyway, I was grateful that she is okay.

It’s not easy to be happy ALL the time. There are a lot of horrible things going on in the world, in our city and even in our little town. People are suffering. Their issues are far bigger than mine.  It is good though to find joy in the little things.


Attitude of gratitude & appreciation lift a sinking heart.

Proverbs 17:22

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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