You’ve got to love Fish Hoek at this time of the year…in fact any time of the year! But at Christmas ime it just glows and rocks with family, friends, festivities and fabulous fun. The weather these last couple of days has been nothing less that spectacular with hardly any wind (it’s got up a bit this afternoon) and it’s made the beach perfect for an early morning dip. Yesterday, Mike dusted off our old bicycles and this morning we cycled to the beach…
We had a wonderful swim in beautiful water, had breakfast and cycled home. Perfect way to start the day! 🙂
The sea was calm, with a gentle north wind blowing…
The City of Cape Town workers had done a fabulous job cleaning up the beach, sweeping sand off the walkway and carrying off the seaweed.
This is the beach we have raised our family. It holds a quarter of a century of happy memories.
Fish Hoek, it certainly is. This morning there were shoals of fish being dive bombed by eager seagulls.
I’m on the Fish Hoek beach Facebook page where  Aly Ison regularly posts fantastic photos, such as this one…
I often say, ‘the beach is such a happy place.’ It’s hard to be stressed when you are swimming in the shallows, adjusting to the chilly water and admiring the mountain. Old and young alive frolic in the shallows, lapping up the pleasure of early morning. After you get out, there’s no feeling like it. You feel completely relaxed and alive! It’s wonderful!
I can’t imagine living anywhere else.
If you are currently in the cold northern hemisphere (ag shame!), and you want to see what Fish Hoek looks like right now, you can go to http://www.baywatch.tv/ and watch our bay from a distance!
Psalm 24:1
“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;Â For He has founded it upon the seas And established it upon the rivers..”
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Special.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you!
Helga xx 🙂