Eye Test and O-Desk


For me, I must make this the month of medical check-ups…. and today I got my first one done. I went and had my eyes checked. I was definitely beginning to struggle when reading. Off I went today at noon. First I had a preliminary test for something and then went to the waiting room where I could keep an eye on the cricket…

Waiting for the testSoon I was called in and had a whole lot of tests. My right eye is clearly a lot weaker than the other. These snazzy glasses had me seeing a whole lot better…(don’t laugh!)

Have a laugh at my glasses

🙂 My specs will be there in about a week.

Then I had lunch with David and came home!

A question I often get asked is “What work are Adrian and Stacey doing?” They work online and introduced me to the website through which they make a living. I put my profile together and recently got my FIRST little job, which I completed today and submitted. The website is www.odesk.com. It took a bit of time to get my profile 100% ready. It may take a bit of time to get regular work as I’ll have to build up my credibility, but once I’ve done that it could be a very lucrative way of freelancing in an area I love. It’s a fascinating website to be on and to follow. People across the world are posting work opportunities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

OdeskIf you are looking for extra work, this could meet your need! One thing I did realise is that the work I’m looking for and love to do has nothing to do with the qualifications I have and the nearly 10 years of study I spent getting them!

My Bible reading this morning took me to Exodus 20, which many people know is the account of God giving Moses the Ten Commandments.

God emphasizes the importance of not having any other gods besides Himself. What is interesting is in verse 23, He says, “Do not make any gods to be alongside me;” I claim to worship God, but what else am I worshiping alongside Him? What else am I clinging to?

Then in the back-end of the next verse you have these amazing words:  “Wherever I cause my Name to be honoured, I will come to you and bless you.”  THAT needs to be the prayer of our hearts – that God will see fit to cause His Name to be honoured in our hearts, our families, our marriages, our children, our relationships with one another, our churches, our Bible studies,  our every breathing moment.

Please Lord, cause Your Name to be honoured in our entire being so that You will come to bless us.


In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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